Volunteering FAQs

Find answers to all your questions about volunteering at Greenbelt Festival. From registration and training to how we support you, our Volunteer FAQs cover everything you need to know to get involved.

I've volunteered before. Do I need to apply again?

Can I apply for more than one role?

I am not from the UK. Can I volunteer?

I'm under 18. Can I volunteer?

Does volunteering count towards my Duke of Edinburgh award?

I’ve forgotten my password. How can I reset it?

I've started an application but I can't get back into it

The Online Application site isn’t loading for me

I'm known by a different name at Greenbelt. What name should I put on my application?

The form says I have used the wrong format

What if my address or contact details change?

What happens after I apply?

Reference checks

I've not received any emails

Do I have to do any training?

Will I get more information?

What if I need to cancel?

I’ve got a problem which isn’t covered