Why are some healed and others not?


Why do we think that disability is a problem to be solved rather than a way of life to be valued and lived out? And why do we think it is an issue of social justice to accept and value people with disabilities while at the same time creating a society that constantly indicates that it would be better if ‘they’ were not here?

Illness affects every single one of us, yet Jesus only healed a few people; God loves us all, but we still see disability as a problem to be solved. These contradictions in our faith and society require very careful thought, and John Swinton, as chair in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care at the University of Aberdeen, is the perfect person to lead us through the complex connections between theology, spirituality and health. Only the sick need a doctor, Jesus said. We’re all walking wounded, and who better equipped than John to get the diagnosis just right? Make an appointment.

Greenbelt Talks