The poet Denise Levertov, talks of saving paradise when she says: “we have only begun to love the earth. We have only begun to imagine the fullness of life, how it might be to live as siblings with beast and flower.” And Rainer Maria Rilke encouraged us to be like children, to begin again, “to learn from the things, because they are in God’s heart; they have never left him.” So, come and join the feast on Sunday morning – where we will celebrate with the elements of wind and water, fire and earth, bread and wine – elements of carnival and contemplation. This year we are moving away from the “on the bus” layout of most churches to a more circular celebration, with multiple voices. It will be a service for all-ages, designed to appeal to our senses, as well as our hearts and minds. Liturgist, author and hospice chaplain, Tess Ward has conceived this year’s service. The artist Sharon Wyper will lead us in the visual feast. Theologian and poet Nicola Slee has created our non-sermon-y slot. The celidh band Flaming Nora, led by Stephen Fischbacher of Fischy Music, will provide the music, Alison Adam of the Iona Community will get us singing. And the Psalm Drummers will lead in the processions.