Choose Hope: Shifting The Narrative For Climate Justice


Communications on the climate crisis have been complex, distracted, politicised, misinformed and disinformed by politicians, businesses, fossil fuel lobbyists, and ‘men in suits’ with vested interest in continuing to fund what is harming us. Project Dandelion, a women-led global climate justice campaign, is on a mission to bring more people into the climate justice movement. The goal is to unite and shift efforts on climate justice from a single voice to a platform of hope, symbolised by the Dandelion, which will never stop spreading until our collective voice is heard and the transformation we need to see happens.

As much as we are amid a climate and nature emergency, we are also on the cusp of a cleaner, healthier, better world – we need to get moving!

Join Laura in the Hot House as we discuss what is needed to shift the global narrative from one of fear to one of hope.

Laura Jessie Cook