Death Row, Guantanamo………
Human rights violations here should end, but can it be closed down if US authorities intend to send detainees back to countries where they face further persecution, torture or even death? Clive...
An Interview with Clive Stafford-Smith
Clive Stafford Smith has worked on behalf of defendants facing the death penalty in the southern United States for the last 25 years. In October 2000, he was awarded an OBE for ‘humanitarian...
All Beacause of You – I am
All because of you I am A look at U2's ‘Vertigo' Tour, the Ubuntu theology of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and the prophetic impact that they can have on our individualist western culture. Steve...
Christianity & Kitsch – 1
The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics defines kitsch as easy, formulaic and a lie. If this is true how can Christian kitsch ‘tell the truth'? Betty Spackman is a multi-media installation artist and...
Spirituality..2 Halves of Life
A healthy tree needs a trunk, and then fruit. A look at the implications of this for the spiritual journey and for social action. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan monk. He was the founder of the New...
Tree of Life; No Leaves…….
(see The Spirituality of the Two Halves of Life) Richard Rohr is a Franciscan monk. He was the founder of the New Jerusalem Community and the Center for Action and Contemplation. He is a regular...
The Third Mile
‘WWJD' calls for a Christ-like ethic, but what would this look like? Peter argues that Christ was fundamentally opposed to ethics and instead took us beyond the categories of right and...
Streams of Living Water
We know we need to imitate Christ, but how? Roy will outline the fundamental importance of spiritual formation and draw insights from six streams of spirituality through which we can gain inspiration...
Bomber Grounded
Bomber grounded Disarming a US war plane en route to Iraq? Reflections on faithbased, non-violent resistance, arrest, trial and imprisonment. Ciaron O'Reilly is part of the radical pacifist...
Speaker(s): Ciaron O'ReillyHappy Families?
Happy families? Who gets on with who (and who doesn't) in your family? What can we do to get along better? A dynamic workshop for parents and their young people (11–18) aimed at boosting your...
Speaker(s): Judy ReithLatin American Theology ……
Latin American theology of Trade Justice A Biblical critique of the current model of globalisation, drawing on examples and experiences from communities in Latin America. Angel Luis Rivera-Agosto is...
Packaged in Holland
Packaged in Holland: how to grow a city An evaluation of two Dutch regeneration strategies that reveal some current development principals for people, communities and lifestyle in today's...
The Cross….Axis of the World
In naming, subverting, and transforming the universal scapegoat mechanism, Jesus really was a turning point in history. How can we be a part of his tree of life? Richard Rohr is a Franciscan monk....
HIV/AIDS – a positive woman’s response
The Church has been at the forefront in caring for people with HIV, but has shied away from confronting stigma and discrimination. Mark Nunn works at Christian Aid's HIV and AIDS unit. He is...
How to be Heroic
What does heroism mean now, when the VE Day generation is dying off, the playground icons wear capes or football boots, our wars look like video games and there are bombs on the trains? Cole Moreton...
Speaker(s): Cole Moreton