Taking Friendship…New Levels
The Level 5 tool, and how you could maybe use it at work, with groups or in personal relationships. Pip Wilson is a youth worker, gamester, author and creator of the ‘Rolling Magazine' at...
32nd Greenbelt Communion Service
Sunday morning communion is always an event for the whole Greenbelt family: a bit like Christmas dinner, it's the one time we all come together to celebrate our unity and diversity. And this year...
Africa Panel – Here Today…..
Here today – forgotten tomorrow? It's easy to lap up the media portrayal of Africa as single entity, blighted by famine, war, poverty and AIDS. But within this immense continent there are more...
MPH-A Stroll Through The Bible
Make Poverty History is utopian. But what's wrong with being captivated by a dream? Romy Tiongco was a Christian Aid partner in the Philippines from 1979 to 1989. After teaching at New College,...
Running Into God
God outside the box: beyond church, beyond dogma, beyond religion…in the world, in people of faith and no faith, in the ordinary stuff, in the dark bits, in the sacred, in the secular. Is the...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonAfrica Christianity & Idealism
A journey through the issues. Paul Vallely is Associate Editor of The Independent where he writes on social, ethical and religious issues. He was commended as ‘International Reporter of the...
Speaker(s): Paul VallelyTemporaryFactsFlexibleBarrier
The ‘flexible' boundaries in Israel/Palestine are enabled via a ‘temporary' state of nowar/ no-peace. These twin categories will be traced from the banks of the Suez Canal to the building of...
Left Behind, Fried or Frozen..
The ‘Left Behind' books have been bestsellers, while discoveries about the end of the universe describe an end of futility. Does Christian faith have anything to say to such things? David...
The cross of Christ has been painted, sculpted and hewn over the years into a symbol of both suffering and glory. An illustrated exploration of its portrayal and our response. David Thomson is...
The Patron Saint of Wanderlust
The patron saint of wanderlust Is travel a help or a distraction in the business of belief? Lessons from a boat-hitching trip around Scotland in the wake of a seafaring monk called Cormac. Nick...
An Interview with Pete Stephens
Pete Stephens is responsible for trade negotiations with developing countries at the Department of Trade and Industry. He joined the DTI four years ago and has also worked on renewable energy. He...
What Race? – 1
From a diversity of ethnic groups there is one race - The Human Race. A two part seminar exploring the complex issues around race, discrimination and diversity. Bev Thomas has worked for the last 20...
What Race? – 2
From a diversity of ethnic groups there is one race - The Human Race. A two part seminar exploring the complex issues around race, discrimination and diversity. Bev Thomas has worked for the last 20...
Christianity & Kitsch – 2
What are the material issues that affect the understanding of art and faith in popular culture? What is the relationship between the act of worship and the act of art making? Betty Spackman is a...
Fantasy & Other Real Things
What happens when the ‘substance of things seen' attempts to express the ‘substance of things hoped for'? When does seeing help believing, and when is it a stumbling block? Betty Spackman is...