Politics In Your Village, Not The Westminster Village
While 38 Degrees, Change.org and WriteToThem.com make it easier than ever to give politicians our views, engagement with mainstream politics is at an all-time low. Explore the background to our...
Speaker(s): Joe Walker, Sarah HuttLifting The Weight Of Debt
With Tim Jones, Heather Roy, Michael Northcott and Katie Curtis Chaired by Kit Beazley 1 in 5 in the UK are living with serious debt. Across Europe public services are being slashed to pay for bank...
Speaker(s): Michael Northcott, Kit Beazley, Tim JonesMoving Swiftly On? Handling The Baggage Of Transition
Four women – a freshly selected trainee, a newly ordained curate, a priest in her first incumbency and one moving on from parish to Cathedral – share their experiences of packing and leaving...
Speaker(s): Sara Batts, Claire Maxim, Kathryn Fleming, Emma GoldbyOrangutans, Kit Kats And Toothpaste: The Hidden Ingredient That Threatens The Rainforest
With Traidcraft CEO Larry Bush, Ruth Valerio (A Rocha UK), Martha Musonza Holman and Michael Northcott Over half our packaged food contains palm oil. With rising global demand, vast tracts of...
Speaker(s): Larry Bush, Ruth Valerio, Michael NorthcottHow Do We Change The World For Street Children?
With Lynne Morris (Toybox), Al Roxburgh (Christian Aid), Val Floy (The Children's Society), John Wroe (SCWC) and Luisa Soto Chaired by Rev. Richard Coles After the success of the second Street...
Speaker(s): Alasdair Roxburgh, Rev. Richard ColesIs The Church Of England Worth Saving?
Linda Woodhead in conversation with Jane Shaw Every living generation has been less likely to call themselves Anglican than the one before. Does this decline open the door to new spiritual...
Speaker(s): Linda Woodhead, Rev. Richard ColesKairos Unbound
In the wake of Israel's latest military offensive in Gaza and 12 months after the launch of Time for Action (the British response to the Kairos Palestine call), find out how you can start a Kairos...
Speaker(s): Kairos Britain: Time for Action, Anne Clayton, Jeremy Moodey, Dr Mitri RahebVoices For The Voiceless
Frontline musician and eco-activist Theo believes that songs and music have always played a crucial part in empowering struggles for a better world, and explores how they work to amplify our voices...
Speaker(s): Theo SimonTravelling Light: The Isenheim Altarpiece And Its Influences On Contemporary Art
Focusing on Grünewald's masterpiece, Tina considers the artist's vision as a form of travelling light, a beam of inspiration which travels through time and continues to shine a strange light on...
Speaker(s): Tina BeattieCracking Up. Cracking On.
After last year's discussion ‘We Need To Talk About Nutters', artist Bobby Baker chairs a session with fellow artists – comedian Jo Enright, musician RM Hubbert and writer Miriam Hodson –...
Speaker(s): Bobby Baker, Miriam Hodson, RM Hubbert, Jo EnrightA Theology Of Music
Using illustrations from his mainstream media work, Steven Faux looks at music from a theological perspective, believing that God has gifted us music to both deepen our knowledge of the divine and...
The Telling Error
Queen of psychological crime Sophie Hannah reads from her latest literary mystery, The Telling Error. Nicki can't answer any of the questions detectives fire at her. And she can't explain herself...
Speaker(s): Sophie HannahWho Decides What Is True?
Some believe every point of view is valid; some believe in concrete truths on which everyone should base their worldview. How to decide where to sit between these dangerous extremes and what are the...
Speaker(s): Stephen OramTravelling Light: Political Baggage And The Migrant’s Journey
Travelling Light: Political Baggage And The Migrant's Journey Issues of immigration and asylum are ‘toxic' for politicians. With opinion polls putting immigration near the top of voters'...
Speaker(s): Sarah TeatherConfessions Of A Bad Muslim
Sarfraz Manzoor grew up in a working class Pakistani Muslim family in Luton. He could have ended up angry, alienated and in an arranged marriage. Instead Manzoor ended up in The Guardian, on Radio 4...
Speaker(s): Sarfraz Manzoor