GRRRL presented by In Place Of War
In Place of War presents GRRRL – a fusion of dark techno, hip-hop, dancehall, reggae, soul, and electronica. GRRL is a collaboration of women artists from areas of conflict, promoting peace,...
Jordan Mackampa
Troubabour Jordan brings his experience of three cities – Kinshasa, London and Coventry – to the table, wraps it up into a jazzy, folky parcel, ands tops it off with a seasoned, soulful, smoky...
Genevieve is a singer-songwriter hailing from Edinburgh via Cairo, Morocco and London carrying a bagful of the best influences (including Joni and Ella). With an accomplished band in tow...
Leeds four-piece Marsicans produce a big, joyful, jangly, harmony-laden indie-pop noise with echoes of Futureheads and The Automatic. In the last 12 months, they've sold out their own headline...
Glamba has been performing, recording and writing as a group – and delivering percussion workshops – for over 12 years.
Groovy Records
Complete Wasters is a not for profit social enterprise dedicated to promoting sustainability, fairtrade, re-use, recycling and all things green.
Belly Dancing with Mirage Fusion Belly Dance
Carol (Mirage) has been teaching Belly Dance for over 20 years running weekly classes and managing two dance troupes, Syren Alternative Belly Dancers and Aurora Fusion Belly Dancers. We have held...
The Big Shift
From way back when, Greenbelt has made room to engage with the impacts of Climate Change. In the early 1990s, Midnight Oil thundered through a set on the mainstage, with Peter Garrett, their lead...
Salvation And The Inconvenience Of Other People
Salvation And The Inconvenience Of Other People Jesus said ‘where two or more are gathered, I will be with you.' But what if the second person gathered with you is totally annoying? Sara Miles...
Speaker(s): Nadia Bolz-Weber, Sara MilesCan We Re-Imagine Marriage?
A conversation with Linda Woodhead, Adam Dinham, Sara Miles and Robert Song – hosted by Vicky Beeching Is marriage as an institution so inherently straight and patriarchal that it can't be the...
Speaker(s): Robert Song, Linda Woodhead, Sara Miles, Vicky BeechingThis House Believes The 2015 Election Will Make No Significant Difference To The Future of Britain
Motion: This house believes the 2015 Election will make no significant difference to the future of Britain. For: Martin Newell (Catholic Worker Network) and Louise Donkin (SPEAK) Against: Gavin...
Speaker(s): Louise Donkin, Andy FlannaganWe’re Not An Issue, We’re A Gift
A conversation with Tracey Byrne, Pádraig Ó Tuama, Karl Rutledge hosted by Rachel Mann As the church has tied itself in knots over matters of sexuality, the casualties have often been LGBT people...
Speaker(s): Rachel Mann, Rev. Richard ColesCommunion
With Rev. Becca Stevens, Thistle Farms and the Sisters of Magdalene, Mpho Tutu, Marcus and Levi Hummons Travelling light means we travel together, bearing one another's burdens and joys, and...
Speaker(s): Psalm Drummers, Becca Stevens, Thistle Farms (and the Sisters of Magdalene), Mpho Tutu, Marcus Hummon, Levi Hummon, Matt BeckinghamPoor TV?
With Owen Jones, Kieran Smith (Director of Benefits Street) and Lily Caprani (The Children's Society) Chaired by Rhian Roberts When Benefits Street hit our screens it provoked responses from...
Speaker(s): Owen JonesThe Future Of Campaigning
With Mpho Tutu, Hannah Lownsbrough, Al Roxburgh (Christian Aid) and Tom Baker (BOND) Chaired by Ben Hewitt Defending funding for rural schools in Thailand. Stopping the US President fast-track...
Speaker(s): Ben Hewitt, Hannah Lownsbrough, Mpho Tutu, Alasdair Roxburgh, Tom Baker