Twitter Vicars and the Sacrament of Social Media
Are you wearing your clerical collar online? How can you be a vicar on Twitter? Can you be a Facebook Father or a Snapchat Sister? Three well known social media lovers and working priests on managing...
Speaker(s): Giles Fraser, Kate Bottley, Rev. Richard ColesMovements of the Spirit
How come so many of us lost confidence in political parties? Don't believe the system represents us? Aren't convinced our vote will change anything? But how come so many of us think new, looser,...
Speaker(s): Jeff Halper, Dave Andrews, Maya EvansForgive us our debts?
With ever-increasing indebtedness, is it time to rethink lending and borrowing altogether? Are there other ways to make the money go round? With Anastasia French (Debt Trap, The Children's...
Speaker(s): David Barclay, Kit BeazleyAsylum and Exile: Voices of Refugees
Bidisha will introduce her work on asylum seekers and refugees, uncovering their life stories. She will then be joined by Ilona Pinter, policy adviser at The Children's Society and co-chair of the...
Speaker(s): Bidisha, Dave Smith, Fuzz KittoISIS and beyond: what’s happening in the Middle East?
How should we understand the phenomenon of ISIS? What has fuelled its rise – is it the Sunni/Shia divide, foreign intervention, the Arab Spring or even the unresolved conflict in Israel-Palestine?...
Speaker(s): Bidisha, Jeremy Moodey, Jeff HalperNuclear: Necessary or Nonsense
70 years on from the horrors of Hiroshima, the UK government is still in thrall to the nuclear option. Why does there seem so little appetite for seriously considering the benefits of scrapping...
Speaker(s): Bruce KentBeing Human
The opportunity to live rather than sleepwalk through our days belongs to us. We can discover a practical spirituality that helps shape our lives into everything we were meant to be: part of the...
Speaker(s): Steve ChalkeA Place of Refuge
Tobias tells the story of Windsor Hill Wood, the ‘extended household' he created with his family to offer traditional Christian hospitality and a peaceful environment where people going through...
Speaker(s): Tobias JonesWhat is Science For in the Kingdom of God?
With a scientist's reading of the Book of Job as centrepiece, science can be seen as a deeply religious activity, participating in what St Paul calls ‘the ministry of reconciliation'. Tom...
Speaker(s): Tom McLeishIn Defence of Idleness
Not everything can be measured. Why rest and time off are crucial to Christian faith and why people's importance is not about what they produce or do. Sarah Farrimond is a curate in the CofE and...
Speaker(s): Sarah FarrimondConfessions of a part-time author
At Greenbelt 2013, Simon gave an exclusive reading from his third Itch book, Itchcraft. This year, six months away from his next novel's publication, he's back. The book is called Blame, but...
Speaker(s): Simon MayoA Confident Society Should Encourage People to Opt Out
Writing a novel about a future where corporations run Britain and survival depends on social media popularity made Stephen Oram wonder: If the state created the opportunity for you to opt out, would...
Speaker(s): Stephen OramJesus Crucified Himself, So You Don’t Have To
How do we spend ourselves on behalf of the poor and hungry without needing to check in to The Priory? Sara Hyde is gradually learning the truth that she knows the saviour of the world, but isn't...
Speaker(s): Sara HydeOn Guerrilla Gardening
You could almost describe Richard Reynolds as the Banksy of the gardening world – just replace the spray can with a trowel. He (literally) wrote the book on guerilla gardening. Be inspired to sow a...
Speaker(s): Richard ReynoldsThou shalt not be overcome: LGBT people, our allies, and the Christian church
Human sexuality is a subject that fascinates and preoccupies the Church. What are the implications of this on LGBT people and our friends and families who are often witness to, but rarely...
Speaker(s): Ruth Hunt