From Mindfulness to Soulfulness
Is there a danger that mindfulness can just help people become better adapted cogs in a still-toxic model of work and life? Brian Draper challenges us to live not just mindfully but soulfully – to...
Speaker(s): Brian DraperA Brief History of Refugees
The current refugee crisis isn't the first to hit Europe or the world. What can we learn from the past that can help us to respond to the crisis today? Alasdair Roxburgh is the head of...
Speaker(s): Alasdair RoxburghSimple, Silent, Small: this is where Christ is found
Margaret Hebblethwaite discusses the small town where she lives in the Paraguayan campo, which for her is a symbol of Bethlehem: Christ is to be found in the simple rural life; people who travel...
Speaker(s): Margaret HebblethwaiteScars Across Humanity
Every three seconds, a young girl is married without consenting, somewhere across the world to a much older man. Along with female infanticide, domestic abuse, prostitution, rape and honour killings,...
Speaker(s): Elaine StorkeyJulian of Norwich
Probably the first woman to write a book in English, the visionary Julian of Norwich offers us a powerful message about the love of God. An insight into a mind that discovered why God wants us to...
Speaker(s): Sharon Jebb SmithMindfulness and Christian Spirituality: happy bedfellows?
Mindfulness helps many to improve self-care. Tim (author of author of Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality – Making Space for God) explores what it offers by way of contribution – and challenge...
Speaker(s): Tim SteadBeautiful Resistance
What is “beautiful resistance”? Learn what life is like living under occupation in Aida Refugee camp and why Palestinians, particularly the young people of the West Bank, don't have the “luxury...
Speaker(s): Abdelfattah A AbusrourWho Am I When I Forget Who I Am?
A theological evaluation of dementia, examining the nature of memory with a particular focus on the memory that we hold within our bodies, and offering new possibilities for hope and change even in...
Speaker(s): Professor John SwintonDoing Theology In the Era of Black Lives Matter
Explore the implications for – and indictments of – mainstream white theology in the wake of the movement for black lives across the USA and other countries. Broderick is a curate in the US...
Speaker(s): Broderick GreerThat Was the Church, That Was
How the Church of England lost the English people. Andrew Brown writes on religion for The Guardian amongst others. His most recent book, Fishing in Utopia, is a memoir about his life in Sweden. It...
Speaker(s): Andrew BrownHow Christian is Europe?
Elizabeth reflects on European religious trends, the aftermath of the referendum and the future for faith in the public square across our continent. Previously with the BBC and the Church and Media...
Speaker(s): Elizabeth OldfieldTheology As Survival
While some do theology as a form of sport or recreation, others – usually at society's margins – do theology as a form of survival. Join Father Broderick Greer and Canon Mark Oakley as they...
Speaker(s): Mark Oakley, Broderick GreerIn the Hottest Year, the Hottest Fight
A report from the front lines of the climate battle around the planet--a look at the rapidly warming earth, and the increasingly urgent efforts of activists to force faster action. Bill McKibben is...
Speaker(s): Bill McKibbenTeam Judas: what to do with a bad reputation?
Kate Bottley discusses how the way others see us informs our own sense of identity. Kate Bottley is a vicar and chaplain. She appears regularly on TV and radio, most famously with her husband...
Speaker(s): Kate BottleyTackling Trade At The Till: How to become a consumer activist.
Ethical on-the-ground strategies for making God more present in your personal economy. Eve Poole is the chair of Faith in Business at Ridley Hall. Her most recent book is Capitalism's Toxic...
Speaker(s): Eve Poole