Looking for a Living Wage: How to run a Living Wage campaign in your area
The Living Wage campaign started in our very first community alliance in East London in 2001. In this session we share the tried-and-tested organising methods that root this national campaign in...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKA different kind of power: what does power have to do with theology, and why does it matter for community organising?
Power. This hotly-debated, sometimes keenly avoided, concept is central to community organising. We share the secret – and the theological basis – of a power based on relationships, not...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKBusiness as usual?
Almost 10 years on from the financial crash of 2008 and the resulting longest, deepest recession in living memory, it seems like the banks, the financial institutions (and those of us who use them,...
Speaker(s): Ann Pettifor, Vivian WoodellHot House: Religion leads to violence. It always has and always will
Since 9/11, and stretching back centuries before, the worst atrocities committed against humanity have been motivated by religious conviction and difference. And things don't seem to be getting...
Speaker(s): Salma Yaqoob, Clive Stafford Smith, Sahar Vardi, Origami with Lisa-Raine HuntWelcoming the stranger: a guide to community sponsorship of refugees
Want to support and welcome refugees coming to the UK? Learn how your congregation can take part in the community sponsorship programme championed by Citizens UK. With Neil Jameson, Citizens UK's...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKAll welcome! (Terms and conditions apply)
Jesus invited everyone to the feast, but the Church does not open its doors equally wide to everyone. Are we getting better? What is it like to be made unwelcome by Church? How can we change things...
Speaker(s): United Reformed Church, Rachel Mann, Savi Hensman, Niall CooperHot House: The Truth. The Whole Truth. And Fake News
Join a panel of reporters, journalists and campaigners as they debate how to report, advocate and speak in a post-truth world – where everyone has an opinion to share, fake or legitimate. Free...
Speaker(s): Peter Oborne, Jack MonroeIsrael / Palestine: No Fit State
Two State? One State? Not fit state? What hope is there for a just peace in Israel-Palestine, when the world (and Israel) seems so content with the status quo? And might the brazenness of Trump...
Speaker(s): Peter Oborne, Robert Cohen, Sahar Vardi, Muhanad Al Qaisy, Karen ChalkTwo degrees of separation
Following the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, when the world committed itself to safeguarding a 'two-degree world' (not allowing global warming to rise by more than two degrees centigrade because...
Speaker(s): Natalie Bennett, Christian Aid, Most Revd Dr Winston Halapua, Mohamed Adow, Jo Musker-SherwoodHot House: What makes for a good Brexit?
With remainer Natalie Bennett, Green Party, and leaver Sophie Sandor, Institute of Economic AffairsFor better or worse, the EU Referendum a year or more ago has exposed deep divisions in our society....
Speaker(s): Natalie Bennett, Cole Moreton, Sophie SandorSo what does “The Common Good” even mean?
It's a phrase which sounds 'right' somehow. But what does it really mean? Where does the idea come from? And can it make a difference to our lives and our world? Join a panel of thinkers and...
Speaker(s): Luke Bretherton, Anna Rowlands, Karen Rooms, Ed MayoHidden in plain sight? Bringing black women into focus
Rozella Haydée White, Chibundu Onuzo and Saraiya Bah.The film Hidden Figures highlighted the wider truth about women of colour being largely invisible despite the crucial roles they have played in...
Speaker(s): The 9 Beats Collective: Rozella Haydée White, Chibundu Onuzo, Saraiya BahTowards a New Heaven, New Earth?
Darton Longman and Todd are proud to be at Greenbelt to launch a groundbreaking new essay collection: 'Reclaiming the Common Good.'In this panel session, editor Virginia Moffatt and three of the...
Speaker(s): Simon BarrowExchange The Future: where next to build a better business world
How we can make business better? What can we all be doing to help more enterprise to promote the common good? With Vivian Woodell, founder, the Phone Co-op, Joshua Brown, Renewables Manager,...
Speaker(s): Vivian Woodell, Joshua Brown, Cliff MillsWomen in Herstory
Herstory is a project that connects art, activism and education by using famous examples of feminist art to engage people of all genders with women's (often forgotten) history. Join founder, Alice...
Speaker(s): Alice Wroe