Rivers Of Blood. 50 Years On.
In 2018 the Windrush scandal followed the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr and Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech. This talk examines the corrosive power of...
Speaker(s): Anthony ReddieMeet the Pussy Riot Collective
We welcome the members of the Pussy Riot collective who will be in residence with us across the weekend. Martin Wroe asks the questions as we start to get to know them, what makes them tick and the...
Speaker(s): Pussy Riot in residenceRiot Days, the book
Riot Days is feminist dissident Maria Alyokhina's punk record of history, a dreamlike and visceral counter to the patriarchy and abuse of power in Putin's Russia. One of the founders of the Pussy...
Speaker(s): Pussy Riot in residenceBorders and Belonging
Brexit has resurfaced questions of British-Irish relations, particularly around the border between the two Irish jurisdictions. Taking the extraordinary text of Ruth from the Hebrew Bible, Pádraig...
Speaker(s): Pádraig Ó TuamaImagination, the Bible and the Church why we need it now more than ever.
The church, and indeed the world, is in desperate need of a renewed imagination - and not just to help us read the Bible well. Paula explores how imagination can lift words off the page and bring...
Speaker(s): Paula GooderReclaiming Phoebe: Historical imagination and the world of Paul
Paula talks about the process of writing her most recent book about Phoebe, an unsung deacon of the early Christian church. Come and hear where the idea for the book came from, what Paula struggled...
Speaker(s): Paula GooderEducation for the Future
Steve Chalke, Jill Rowe and Emma Johnson Imagine education being at the heart of community; imagine schools being places of hope; imagine students thriving spiritually, emotionally, physically,...
Speaker(s): Steve Chalke, Jill RoweEducation: A Word in your Ear
Steve Chalke interviews Sir David Carter, Schools Commissioner for England, about what matters most in education and his vision for the future. Steve Chalke MBE, founder of the Oasis Charitable...
Speaker(s): Steve ChalkeThe Culture of God
For centuries, Christians have turned their faith into a Western phenomenon, and this has distorted the message of Christ. Syrian-born Nadim Nassar seeks to reveal the true face of the Eastern Jesus...
Speaker(s): Nadim NassarFaith on Campus in the 21st Century: Universities and the Future of Religion in Britain
Dr Mathew Guest considers the future of religion in the UK, with a special focus on what happens to faith at university. Does academia undermine faith or provide contexts for its creative...
Speaker(s): Mathew GuestWriting Songs From Scripture: An Imaginative, Spiritual Practice
What if we approached our sacred scriptures not as rulebooks but rather as imaginative wellsprings of creative potential? A dialogue with Matthew David Morris, the host of the Lectio Musica podcast,...
Speaker(s): Matthew David MorrisA Festival Life: Michael Eavis in conversation
Greenbelt may be 45 years old, but it's a minnow beside Glastonbury. So, we're delighted to welcome the founder of that Festival, dairy farmer Michael Eavis to Greenbelt this year. Having decided...
Speaker(s): Michael EavisWe have to learn the village to save the village
The Internet is bringing us together, while drowning us in data and algorithms. The control of information and the fight for digital autonomy is critical if we are to save our futures from the new...
Speaker(s): Lauri LoveRadical Happiness: Moments of Collective Joy
Our society believes it promotes happiness but soaring rates of depression and anxiety tell another story. Lynne Segal argues that we need to link our personal quest for happiness with the shared joy...
Speaker(s): Lynne SegalLife & Love, Faith & Doubt
Some days we feel completely at home, other days like strangers on earth. What if how we live matters more than what we believe? Come and catch some lifelines thrown our way by poets and prophets,...
Speaker(s): Martin Wroe, Malcolm Doney