Grenfell: Faith, Community and Justice
With Jacqui Haynes, Chair of Lancaster West Residents Association, Eunicia Harding, local youth worker, Cllr Portia Thaxter, local resident Fatima Elguenuni and Lowkey. A panel of local residents and...
Speaker(s): LowkeyLife at the intersections: What is intersectionality and why is it important?
Intersectionality has become a buzzword, but what does it mean in practice? Hear a panel of people living life at the intersections share about how having intersecting marginalised identities impacts...
Speaker(s): Shani Dhanda, Broderick GreerPassion or pragmatism? Making trade fair(er) in Brexit Britain
Big business has been investing heavily in ethical trade, making big claims about its social and environmental impact. But poverty and human rights abuses remain widespread in the fields and...
Found Out: transgressive faith and sexuality
Our sexuality is key to our identity, wellbeing, and faith journey. In this creative workshop we will reflect together on how we see God and what that means for ourselves and for our relationships,...
Speaker(s): Alison WebsterFrack-Free Future – How we’re stopping Fracking in the UK
Quakers together with Friends of the Earth Communities around the country are resisting fracking (and other fossil fuel extraction) on their doorsteps - and they're winning. As national support for...
But I’m not racist! Am I?
Winnie Varghese, Broderick Greer, Prof. Anthony Reddie At the end of a festival with more programming around racial inclusion and racial justice than ever, a panel of contributors of colour talk...
Speaker(s): Winnie Varghese, Broderick Greer, Anthony ReddieReinventing Ourselves? The Ethics of Enhancing Human Nature
Neil Messer Should students use 'smart pills' to improve their grades? Should we use drugs and other technologies to make ourselves happier, or more moral? How about extending the human lifespan? Or...
Speaker(s): Winchester UniversityA Tea-Stall On The Moon: A Malayali Following Jesus On The Way
Sometimes when it seems we're the furthest from where we started, we find ourselves exactly where the family stories told us we would be, sort of. Winnie explores the intersections of personal and...
Speaker(s): Winnie VargheseAnti-semitism where does it begin and end?
Rabbi Herschel Gluck, Lynne Segal, Daphna Baram, Robert Cohen. A panel conversation with four Jewish contributors sharing their thoughts on the fine lines between anti-semitism and silencing -...
Speaker(s): Lynne Segal, Rabbi Herschel Gluck, Daphna Baram, Robert CohenImagining new forms of enterprise
We introduce our programme for 2018 in the Exchange - how might we imagine a new business landscape, that meets the needs of ordinary people not just shareholders? David Bird, CEO of Co-op Energy,...
Re-imagining enterprise: Care
Come and hear Debbie Shannon of Link Psychology Co-operative (a social care co-operative providing supported living services to over 600 people), and Adrian Roper of Cartrefi Cymru (a co-operative of...
White Saviour Complex Narratives
Duncan Dormer, General Secretary, USPG Have missionaries had their day? Do they carry too many vestiges of imperialism, colonialism and conforming 'others' to a western culture? Does this perpetuate...
Speaker(s): USPG, Anthony ReddieNothing but the Truth
A freelance filmmaker, studio anchor, and correspondent, Sue worked for 12 years with Jon Snow on Channel 4 News. She then worked with Al Jazeera English in Afghanistan, before the Arab Uprisings...
Speaker(s): Sue TurtonThe Mosque Of The Future
As Muslim communities grow and more become affluent, Mosques are being challenged to work better for more groups. Women are campaigning for better prayer spaces. Mosques are becoming more...
Speaker(s): Sughra AhmedGood Work
Ed Mayo Can we bring our values into the workplace, as a source of inspiration and renewal? What would business be like if based on equality or justice? And what are the practical tools to bring...