Words for a Dying World
Hear from a panel of contributors to Words for a Dying World (SCM Press, 2020) as they share stories, poetry, and song about the grief and courage required to live through a time of climate...
Speaker(s): Words for a Dying WorldYoung, Woke and Christian
Join the authors of ‘Young, Woke and Christian' for a creative conversation spanning racism, homelessness, gender, sexuality, interfaith and more! This isn't a place for easy answers; it's an...
Speaker(s): Young, Woke and ChristianStories from the Front Line of Faith-Inspired Climate Activism
The climate emergency is increasingly compelling people of faith – even clergy – to respond through acts of civil disobedience. Come and hear stories from a handful of Christian climate...
Speaker(s): Jonathan HerbertThe Future Of Democracy
With an growing distrust in the workings of democracy and the rise of authoritarian 'strong men' on the one hand and increasing localism and community organising on the other, it might seem as if our...
Speaker(s): Rowan Williams, Paul MasonMy Theology: Siku
Siku (author, theologian, musician, and one of Britain's leading comic book/concept artists) discusses the principal tenets of his theological beliefs with Virginia Moffatt (writer, editor and...
Speaker(s): SikuMoney Talks: Calling for Climate Justice with our Finances
Banks and pension funds are fuelling the climate crisis by financing companies that put people and planet at risk. Find out how we can act for a fairer, greener use of money, and navigate through the...
Speaker(s): The Ecumenical Council for Corporate ResponsibilityAre you a Bystander or a Resister?
According to the 2022 IPCC report, by 2030 half the population of Africa will be climate refugees. Can we stand by and watch? asks Roger Hallam, while sharing what thousands of people are doing to...
Speaker(s): Roger HallamRichard Dawkins, In Conversation
Richard Dawkins' work on evolutionary biology saw him voted the world's top thinker in Prospect magazine's poll in 2013. He is world-renowned for a string of best-selling books, spanning from...
Speaker(s): Richard Dawkins, Giles FraserDecolonizing Gospel Music: A Practical Guide
Is the lyrical content of Black British gospel music – from choral music to Christian hip-hop – colonial? Does it express ideas of God shaped by the necropolitical Christian categories imposed...
Speaker(s): Robert BeckfordRight To Roam
Like a modern-day Woody Guthrie, Nick Hayes wants us to rediscover that 'this land is our land'. Find out how to cut through centuries-old power and privilege and reconnect with the countryside that...
Speaker(s): Nick HayesChildren, Activism and Our Hope on the Horizon
How childhood experiences of activism and storytelling put Onjali Q Raúf on the road to writing the modern classic, The Boy At the Back of the Class, and her first non-fiction guide for children,...
Speaker(s): Onjali RaúfHow to Stop Fascism – From Ukraine To Capitol Hill
The organised far right is small but dangerous. But its ideology is beginning to shape the politics of populist parties and authoritarian conservatives, from Washington to Moscow and beyond. The key...
Speaker(s): Paul MasonThe Me I Am Now
The importance of allowing ourselves to change and why one more pep talk won't matter much. Nadia Bolz-Weber is an ordained Lutheran pastor and best-selling author. She founded House for All...
Speaker(s): Nadia Bolz-WeberWhy Christian?
Given the crimes and misdemeanors of Christianity, why still claim it as an identity and a belief system? Nadia Bolz-Weber hosts a session of good old-fashioned Gospel testimony. It's personal....
Speaker(s): Nadia Bolz-WeberThe Prosecutor – Giving Voice to the Unheard
Nazir Afzal knows a thing or two about justice. As a Chief Prosecutor, it was his job to ensure the most complex, violent and harrowing crimes made it to court, and that their perpetrators were...
Speaker(s): Nazir Afzal