Robert Song
Robert Song is Professor of Theological Ethics in the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University.
Rachel Mann
Rachel Mann is an Anglican priest, poet, author and broadcaster. She is a former Resident Poet at Manchester Cathedral and is currently Visiting Fellow at the Manchester Writing School. Her book...
Nick Spencer
Nick is Research Director at Theos, the religion and society think tank.
Nick Welsh
Nick designs websites and logos in central Cambridge for a living. When he's not working he DJs, annoys his neighbours by playing the drums and sings in a choir.
Louise Donkin
Louise is the founder of SPEAK Network & Music Speaks which is a campaigns and prayer network, where young adults connect in local communities to act for social justice.
Luisa Soto
Luisa is Toybox's Communications Coordinator based in Costa Rica. A trained journalist, she collects stories from the field and so often hears them in their most raw form directly from the street...
Luke Sital-Singh
Citing influences as diverse as Damien Rice and Ryan Adams, Luke is a singer with both soul and grit in his voice. Following a major label debut which he describes as “compromised”, he's spent...
Kit Beazley
With over 20 years in financial services, Kit is now UK Head of Finance at Triodos, the ethical bank.
Lidy Nacpil
Lidy is an activist based in the Philippines working on economic, environmental, social and gender justice issues.
Linda Woodhead
Linda Woodhead MBE is F.D.Maurice Professor in Moral and Social Theology at King's College London. She is an expert on religion, beliefs and values. Her writing and broadcasting examines the...
Kareem Brown
Kareem is a Barbican Young Poet, raised in North-West London and currently studying Creative Writing and Theatre at Roehampton University. He starred in The Barbican & Boy Blue Entertainment's...
Julia Golding
Julia Golding is a multi-award winning writer for adults, young adults and children. Former British diplomat and Oxfam policy adviser, she has now published over fifty books in genres ranging from...
Jo Browning Wroe
Jo Browning Wroe grew up in a crematorium in Birmingham. She has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia and is now Creative Writing Supervisor at Lucy Cavendish College,...
Joe Walker
Joe co-founded street children charity Street Action and is vice chair of the Labour Campaign for International Development.
Helena Kiely
Helena Kiely is a youth and community worker in Sheffield. She has campaigned with the London Gypsy and Traveller Unit.