Does Prayer Make Any Difference
Do my prayers make any difference? Why pray about something if God already knows? Do my prayers change God or do they change me? How can I make prayer more satisfying? In a multimedia format...
Slavery is biblical
We know that slavery is wrong, yet sincere believing Christians once defended it on Biblical grounds. Today's Christians also argue over issues like the Middle East or trade justice, defending...
Searching for Meaning – How Should you Read the Bible
Alas, no formula exists for reading the Bible ‘right', but there are things we can do to make sure we understand it ‘better' and avoid some classic pitfalls. Attempting that is exhilarating,...
Speaker(s): Paula GooderChanging something so that everything remains the same
The church is awash with expressions of faith that appear to challenge church life. But what if these ‘new forms' are actually ensuring that nothing really changes? Peter explores the possibility...
Beyond the spectacular: exploring the miracle of Christianity
Can the present, future, and even the past be altered by supernatural intervention? Such debates find a happy home in undergraduate philosophy class, but the Christian idea of the miraculous is...
All about gangs
Why they form, understanding the dynamics, how can we work with them, what the everyday human can do about the noisy group in their street. A film-full, feelings-full, participative workshop....
Treating Islam Fairly
Opinion polls show that the majority of the world's Muslims hold entirely ‘moderate' views in relation to violence, democracy and women's rights, yet hostile media bias means the religion is...
Sacred Energy
During the industrial revolution William Blake described energy as ‘God's eternal delight'. If we are to prevent the planet burning up from climate change we need to recover a deep reverence...
Speaker(s): Michael NorthcottJohn
Now a frail, blind old man, John lives in exile on desolate Patmos with some loyal disciples. The group has endured banishment because of its preaching, but after years awaiting Christ's return...
Looking for New England?
England's 16th century reforming pioneers either left to found an England somewhere else, or stayed to reclaim their 4th century roots. Now Englishness seems a controversial concept, most likely...
Speaker(s): Lucy WinkettNon Violent Resistance In Occupied Palestine
Violent resistance by Palestinians is always headline news. But this illustrated presentation tells another story: of brave and resilient non-violent resistance in the Hebron area of the West...
Real youthwork: walking with the urban poor
Is it possible for a middle class church to get alongside young people from underprivileged backgrounds? Niki Gollings talks through the practical issues of working with hurting young people and Jude...
Of Gods, gods and Galactica
Judith Gunn has worked for all the BBC radio networks and published five books on subjects ranging from Dostoyevsky to the voyage of the Mayflower. She has written for the Radio Times and Time Out...
Scottish identity and spirituality
‘Nations and peoples are largely the stories they feed themselves. If they tell themselves stories that are lies, they will suffer the future consequences of those lies' says Ben Okri in Birds of...
Why There is Almost Certainly a God
Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion has been a worldwide bestseller but its arguments are flawed. Keith Ward explains why and argues that the existence of God is our best safeguard for the...