Christian Zionism: roadmap to armageddon?
Addressing the historical roots, theological basis and political consequences of Christian support for Zionism. Stephen Sizer is the vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water. He has written books...
Glorifying the stranger
How to be church for the wrong people: emerging worship with whores, foreigners and the ritually unclean. A lesson in how to welcome the stranger. Raised as an atheist, Sara Miles lived an...
Speaker(s): Sara MilesLiving Lightly In God’s World 2
What does it mean to live lightly in God's world today? What practical steps can we take in our own lives to respond to God's call for righteousness and justice for the earth and all its...
Speaker(s): Ruth ValerioLife and Death, Love and Art in the Novels of Salley Vickers
Greenbelt doesn't shy away from the big themes and nor does Salley Vickers. Here she gives insights into her novels, including the latest, Where Three Roads Meet, a reworking of the Oedipus myth...
Eating Jesus
How a piece of bread was revealed as God to an unprepared unbeliever; how body and blood become free groceries for the city's poor. Sara Miles talks about her radical conversion, and she and...
Speaker(s): Sara MilesEating with Jesus
A left-wing lesbian Jesus freak and a postmodern gay priest talk about food, art, politics, and worship. Paul Fromberg and Sara Miles from St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco lead...
Speaker(s): Sara MilesI-NDIA
Bangalore is a global IT powerhouse and yet millions live in slums. What are the environmental impacts and challenges facing the new India? Elephants are lovely things aren't they? Strong,...
A hidden apartheid
Why, in the world's thirdbiggest democratic economy, are 250 million people denied their human rights? The caste system in India today. Elephants are lovely things aren't they? Strong, peaceful...
Does the Bible exclude people
In the church there is a tension between those who claim to be ‘biblical' and those who want to be ‘inclusive'. Drawing on a decade's research into the use of the Bible under apartheid in...
The great African scandal
Together with Christian Aid, Robert Beckford recently traveled to Ghana in West Africa, where, two centuries ago, his ancestors were seized and taken as slaves to Jamaica. There, he discovered the...
Life’s ordinary magic: encountering God in the reality of our lives
How can we connect with ourselves, each other and God through the small miracles of everyday life, the issues and events that shape our world? Rosemary Lain-Priestley asks how, by our attentiveness...
The Secret of the Universe
The world is good. The world is fallen. The world will be redeemed. Those three sentences summarize the Christian doctrines of Creation, Fall, Redemption. But how do they apply in a world that...
Getting On With Elephants
How A Rocha India is using chilli, tobacco and old rope to address human/elephant conflict in Southern India. Elephants are lovely things aren't they? Strong, peaceful and serene, they are the...
Was Jesus a jazz musician?
What if the whole Kingdom thing is a paradox of deep discipline and holy improvisation, of risking prayer and playfulness? What if being in flow is about attentiveness to minute particulars while...
What Do I Do With My Doubts
If you've never questioned the existence of God, visited a pediatric oncology ward, watched news of a famine or tsunami on TV, or wondered about the integrity of some passages in the Old Testament,...