Permaculture inspired spirituality
Permaculture is a design discipline that mimics maintenance-free, sustainable wild ecosystems. This workshop applies the same principles to us and our spirituality. Bruce is a life coach and project...
Speaker(s): Bruce StanleyShapers of Earth History
As participant creatures in the ancient and complex ecosystems of our planet, we carry a hope that embraces all creation. A call for a new community committed to a life more intune with the...
Shame and how to survive it
If Christ came to liberate us from shame, why do so many of us still suffer? A look at the differences between shame and guilt, and what to do when you just feel ‘wrong'. Clare Catford is a...
Is tax dodging making poverty history?
Tax dodging is estimated to cost the developing world at least US$160bn a year – that's almost twice the international aid budget. With 1.6bn people still living in extreme poverty, leading tax...
Christianity’s supreme vocation
Christianity's supreme vocation: economic transformation and the protection of creation We face a triple crunch: financial crisis, peak oil and climate change. Defending it against over-consumption...
Speaker(s): Ann PettiforHatching A Plot
What makes a good campaign action? Crazy ideas and mediaworthy stunts are a great way to grab people's attention. But how do you get the message across? Hear what effective actions experts have...
Is Britain Christian and does it have to be?
It once was (wasn't it?) and now it's not (isn't it?) but how would we know (if it was) and, in a post-religious era (isn't it?) would it matter if it wasn't? Panelists include Cole...
an agenda for change
Do we only perceive change when things spiral out of control? A look at Barack Obama's story and what we may learn for our next general election. Bev Thomas is a freelance consultant and lecturer...
A vision of the Kingdom
What does the Kingdom look like? Exploring diversity, unity & equality through Revelation 7. Bev Thomas is a freelance consultant and lecturer on social justice and ‘race' issues. She was...
Troubled times: time to re-envision our faith
We may have invested much in worshipping Jesus, but how much in truly following him? We need a church that coaches us in the ways in which Christ lived his life rather than one that invests so much...
Living lightly in a fragile world
Our attempts at ‘living lightly' on this precious planet often turn into legalism or guilty justifications. Some of us even wonder what the point of it all is. Join the discussion on living...
Burma: Where is the change coming from?
The people of Burma live in a brutal military regime with no proper education or health care. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? What can we in the UK do to end their suffering? Zaw Lu Aung...
Songs, Signs and Stories from the Land long called Holy. On Sundays at Greenbelt we have a tradition: the main Festival programme has a lie-down for an hour and everyone is invited to meet together...
Hero of Art Resistance
Toxic childhood
Has the commercialisation of childhood won? To advertisers children are anything from small, absorbent consumercapitalists, to fulcrums of parent pester-power, and receptacles of prematurely adult...