Werewolves, Time Travel and Jane Eyre
Jasper Fforde is the bestselling author of the Thursday Next series of literary detective escapades, set in a parallel world where Thursday's job inlcudes spotting forgeries of Shakespeare's lost...
Israel/Palestine: How will a peaceful& just co-existence become a reality
Jewish, Muslim and Christian voices from the Holy Land look at options for a just peace and evaluate their chances for success.
The God who liberates
Understanding the Dalit journey away from the Hindu caste system to other Gods: Buddhist, Muslim and Christian. Jacob Devadason was born and brought up in India in a Dalit community. He now leads...
What if the world wasn't loaded in favour of a small minority of its people? What if we could look after the planet as well as looking after ourselves? What if we all decided to live a little more...
Abandoning Gaza: Israel’s seige and international responsibility
Abandoning Gaza: Israel's siege and international responsibility Israel imposed a siege on Gaza in 2007, resulting in a humanitarian crisis which intensified during Operation Cast Lead, Israel's...
In conversation
From Lud Heat to Hackney: That Rose-Red Empire, Iain Sinclair's work has offered distinctive and provocative interpretations of ‘place' and its significance. In conversation with...
Orbital walks & linear rides: Journeys through the English badlands
Iain Sinclair unpacks the literary genre sometimes described as ‘psychogeography'. Iain Sinclair While St. John declared that in the incarnation ‘the word became flesh' and God walked among...
Happy birthday John Calvin – rediscovering the reformer
An economy in chaos, the breakdown of society, a church losing power and influence, all driven by a revolution in communication technology. This is the Europe that John Calvin grew up in 500 years...
India beating out of time
The Dalits are often described as the largest oppressed group in the world. Find out who they are with musical input from Dalit musicians, whose ‘unclean' animal-skin drums have become a sign of...
Sexuality and spirituality: keeping them together
Everyone wants to put their sexuality and their spirituality together, but how does one do that in a sex-crazed and sexdenying culture – not to mention in a church that advises, ‘Just say...
Lessons from the 21st century economy
Why it boomed, why it burst, and what this reveals about changing modern attitudes towards money – not least the dangers this poses for us all. Kate is a Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology at the...
Tipping the balance through fairtrade
We all know a good cup of Fairtrade coffee offers a better deal for farmers and workers in the developing world. But how did Fairtrade become such an important global movement? Harriet Lamb has been...
Images of Islamophobia
Humera looks at the historical framing of Islam and Muslims and how that has developed over the century to the present day. Humera Khan is one of the most important Muslim voices speaking and...
Keeping your cool in the eye of the storm
How can you stay in touch with God when criticised or unpopular? Come and find out why the Beatitudes say ‘Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake'. Followed by Q&A.Gene...
Hospitality in 2009 – what does it look, feel, sound and taste like to you? Come and share a hospitality story with us. Bring a photo to show. Bring your lunch. And maybe some food to share? Hosted...