How to be human (with Hieronymus Bosch)
What can a painting 500 years old tell us about life today? Find out, in the company of Thomas à Kempis, Terry Pratchett, Bob Dylan, Brian Eno and Hieronymus Bosch. Justin Lewis-Anthony is Rector...
We are strange: God is stranger
Bookshops are full of argument and counter-argument between atheists and Christians, but what could theology actually learn from a ‘new physics' that has given us parallel universes, multiple...
Speaker(s): Kester BrewinA plea for Christian piracy
They make corporations' blood boil, and children's pulses race: what is it about pirates that remains perennially fascinating, and what possibly could our faith learn from Somalian bandits, 17th...
Speaker(s): Kester BrewinThe Republic of Heaven: A Catholic Anglican future
‘The Catholic tradition' in the Church of England is not what most people see as a seed bed of hope for the church, and before it can be, some aspects which are not authentically Catholic need to...
The Sabbath for Beginners
Time has become an enemy rather than a gift, so in our contemporary frenetic lifestyles, the institution of the Sabbath is more important than ever. John was born within smelling distance of Johnny...
Speaker(s): John BellDid Paul mean it all?
A fresh look at St. Paul and the seeming contradictions in his writings – is he even the author of Ephesians, Colossians and Timothy? John was born within smelling distance of Johnny Walker's...
Speaker(s): John BellWill you still need me, will you still feed me…
The Long Now was never as long as in the developed western world, unless you think Methuselah did live until he was 969. We're living longer... and longer but what do we do with these extra years?...
Birmingham – It’s not sh*t
That difficult third novel: An exclusive preview
Jon McGregor's Even The Dogs was a difficult book to write, and isn't always an easy book to read. Hear Jon talk about the challenges of writing about darker themes, and how there is always,...
Speaker(s): Jon McGregorCan Obama pull off a two-state solution?
Many peace activists in Palestine/Israel believe that the two-state solution is gone, buried under the massive Israeli settlement blocs. Obama's last-ditch effort seems the last chance. What...
Speaker(s): Jeff HalperCould the road from Gaza, Nablus and Fallujah lead to your door?
The occupied Palestinian territories have a significance for Israel beyond the religious and national: Israel's close co-operation with security firms and police forces in Britain bring closer to...
Speaker(s): Jeff HalperCelebrating the ordinary – rediscovering ritual
How do you celebrate becoming an adult... the changing of seasons... leaving school... the start of a new year? Join us to share ways of using ritual in our families and communities to mark change...
Are you considering fostering, have you been fostered, or work with fostered children? This workshop is an opportunity to share your hopes and experiences. Hosted by Jennie Gilhespy.
Indebting the Future
A look at why Christians have been reluctant to speak about money and how the parlous state of current financial affairs requires that we have to learn a new vocabulary. John was born within...
Speaker(s): John BellThe God who liberates
Understanding the Dalit journey away from the Hindu caste system to other Gods: Buddhist, Muslim and Christian. Jacob Devadason was born and brought up in India in a Dalit community. He now leads...