The Child That Books Built
What would you find if you went back and reread all of your favourite books from childhood? Discover the delight and sadness Francis Spufford found as he did just that. As he explores the many worlds...
Speaker(s): Francis SpuffordI may be some time – ice and the English imagination
What on earth could inspire so many men to brave unimaginable cold, hunger, fear, and physical danger in the planet's most remote and forbidding locales? Spufford explores the British obsession...
Speaker(s): Francis SpuffordRevelation, Identity, and Social Media
What do we want to reveal of ourselves and what would we rather hide? What gets hidden despite our attempts to show ourselves and what do we show in our endeavour to conceal? Jo Ind examines these...
Tell the truth, but tell it slant
How can poetry help us come at the truth from a different direction? And how can learning to look at life “slant” be a part of our spirituality? A look at how poetry might teach us about faith,...
How we lost our faith but lost new soul
In the first of two talks based on his new book, Cole Moreton reveals how money, sex and power struggles have finally killed off the God who ruled Britain for centuries – and why we should all be...
Speaker(s): Cole MoretonPraying through icons
Richard Chartres offers an illustrated exploration into the origin of the icon in the Christian tradition and invites you to consider them as a way into faith today. Richard Chartes became Bishop of...
Bulelwa (Mandi) Ngantweni-Hewitt in conversation with Simon Mayo
Talking of her journey from rubbish dumps, to setting up the Umthombo street children's charity, to motherhood. Bulelwa Mandi Ngantweni- Hewitt is the head of public relations at Umthombo Street...
Embracing the Deep
Come and explore concepts from Oceania to help us engage with the enormity of God's creation. Hear about Moana (ocean), Fenua (land), Turangawaewae (standing place of strength), Talanoa (speaking...
Lobbying Parliment on Israel/Palestine
Many people in Britain agree that the suffering and injustice being inflicted on the Palestinian people is deeply wrong, yet the political elite follows a US policy that colludes in Israel's...
Does Big Society Need Big Religion
David Cameron's new vision of Big Society – civility, neighbourliness, community action, giving a helping hand – sounds an awful lot like good old-fashioned religion. What do the faithful make...
Speaker(s): Abdul-Rehman MalikJerusalem: will it ever be a city of peace?
The UN has declared that, for peace to work in the Middle East, Jerusalem needs to be a shared capital. At a time when this seems some way off, what can we do to encourage harmony among the city's...
The Last Bus Home
Nostalgia was once a medical condition to be treated with leeches; now we treat the nostalgic to a magazine series that throws in a free binder. Andrew Rumsey asks why the “longing for home” has...
Speaker(s): Andrew RumseyBeing Jewish, the Israeli-Palastinian conflict
Israel is frequently attacked by advocates of human rights and social justice. Critics who are Jewish find themselves desribed by some fellow Jews as “traitors” or “self-hating”. Brian Klug...
A Christian Challenge To Britian’s War Culture
Britain's approach to international issues such as global terrorism and nuclear disarmament has been characterised as confrontational and self-serving. Bruce Kent will be exploring how a Christian...
Speaker(s): Bruce KentThe Third Tribe