Power to the green pound!
Money can feel like a taboo or complex topic, but we can't afford not to talk about it. The world's future is powered by financial decision makers, but you have power and agency too. Explore how you...
Speaker(s): JustMoney MovementTaxing times
Gross inequality, the cost of living crisis, the climate emergency. What role could taxes play in addressing the enormous challenges of our times? What can we - as citizens, consumers, and businesses...
Speaker(s): JustMoney MovementScared to Death
What happens as we're dying? What's the best way to support a dying person? Is hospital the best place? Let's look at all the wisdom we've forgotten. Let's be curious about dying. Let's know more,...
Speaker(s): Kathryn MannixAsylum Speakers
Hear the voices that too often go unheard - from the humans behind the headlines and the political rhetoric. Podcaster, motivational speaker and author Jaz O'Hara's work amplifies the stories and...
Speaker(s): Jasmin O'HaraIncarnation – The Great Denial
The Apostle's Creed manages to squeeze thirty three years of Jesus life into a comma separating the Virgin Mary from Pontius Pilate. St Paul speaks of the 'Gospel of Christ', but how much did he know...
Speaker(s): John BellThe Cost of Living
No mention of the FTSE, few statistics and little about the long-running, constantly re-scripted Westminster farce. But a sideways look at why we can't afford what we want, why we want what we can't...
Speaker(s): John BellBringing Down Goliath: How Good Law Can Topple the Powerful
Our legal system often feels like it only works for the rich and powerful - for those who have the means to use the courts to enforce their will and defend their interests. But we can fight back....
Speaker(s): Jolyon MaughamBecause I Don’t Know What You Mean and What You Don’t
oin Josie Long, in conversation with Jo Browning Wroe, about her debut collection of short stories that touch on everything from parenthood to the pandemic. Following on from her earlier stand-up...
Speaker(s): Josie LongIn conversation with Jack Monroe
Jack Monroe is a food writer and anti-poverty campaigner. She has joined us at Greenbelt twice before. With rocketing food inflation and energy prices, more households than ever are struggling to...
Speaker(s): Jack MonroeTheology and the cost of living crisis
Jayme and Susie from Sarum College present a fresh and thought-provoking workshop on Sabbath and Jubilee. Prepare to be theologically inspired to think and act differently in the midst of our modern...
Profits vs Prophets? How we make polluters pay
The fossil fuel industry is making millions every day, while people in climate-vulnerable countries pay the bill. How can the prophetic voice of the church challenge the profiteering of the fossil...
Fight the Power
Just a few years older than Greenbelt, Greenpeace were named after a small boat that set sail in 1971 to stop a US nuclear weapons testing off Alaska. Today, they are still fearlessly committed to...
Speaker(s): GreenpeaceCharity Begins At Home?
As the UK's finances struggle, cuts to the government's overseas development spending and increasing demand on foodbanks, debt centres and other services in the UK are pitted against one another....
White Supremacist Antichrist Poltergeist
David Dark believes the infrastructure of toxic conceptions of God, self, and others into which many Americans are born can be helpfully characterized as a poltergeist. We become what we host in our...
Speaker(s): David DarkRobot Souls
In her new book, Robot Souls, Eve looks at what we've been deliberately leaving out of the design of AI. It turns out that all that 'junk code' left on the floor contains the very essence of our...
Speaker(s): Eve Poole