The God of Compassion
Most of Christianity is a struggle to let go of a God who doesn't exist – the task master, the shamer, the all powerful Almighty. What might it mean to let go of our belief in a God who leave us...
Speaker(s): Mark YaconelliHealing Liturgy
Our sound is our wound
We live in a noisy world. Where is the sound of Scripture or the voice of God? If we are listening for God's voice, how do we know if we have heard it? How can we live a different rhythm in the...
Speaker(s): Lucy WinkettWriting On The Wall
Our culture is built on stories or ideas that come from the Bible. Literature, art, music, language and even our justice system are built on Christian concepts and biblical references. This session...
The 3 desires. Christianity as a spiritual path
There are three yearnings that burn within every human heart: to know a larger source of love, to hold love for ourselves, and to share love with others. Mark explores the unique way in which...
Pirates of the Charism
Admitting that there are strangenesses in myself, in God and in other people, how can we practically work out better ways of becoming, as one theologian put it, “the kinds of selves who live in...
Speaker(s): Kester BrewinInner and Outer
Sowing the Seed
“A man sowed seed in the ground … day and night it grew, how he did not know”. The deeper we know God, the less we know. This is the challenge and the excitement of the spiritual quest. In...
In Spirit and in Truth
Fiding the Inner Room
Jesus says to “go into your inner room, shut the door and pray... in that secret place”. He is clearly a teacher of contemplation. Meditation is a way to this inner room – more than a technique...
The Poor are our Masters
When St Vincent de Paul spoke these words over 400 years ago he was reminding his colleagues that the only way to successfully serve those they worked with was to think of them as their masters. This...
One and Other
From noisy neighbours to nervous political coalitions, fears about immigration, racism, fundamentalism and international terrorism – our fear of engaging “the other” is at the heart of so many...
Speaker(s): Kester BrewinA Leader’s Growing Pains: Reflections On The Life Of Moses
Kate Coleman is associate pastor of The Regeneration Centre in Birmingham, and a former president of the Baptist Union. She was the first black woman Baptist minister in the UK, and is a popular...
Sstainability: The Bigger Picture
The forces that shape our universe also lie at the heart of understanding sustainability on our planet. Using his new book, Shadows on the Cave Wall: A New Theory of Evolution, Keith Skene sets out a...
Theology and Thermodynamics
Energy, a central concept in physics, also occupies an important place in the writings of our faith. Keith Skene asks can thermodynamics provide the missing link between the physical and the...