Loving the Hell out of People
The gates of hell cannot prevail. Shane will share about the triumph of love and scandalous grace amid war zones and ghettoes. Shane Claiborne is a 28-year old 'extremist for love' with homemade...
Close Encounters
With people traffic as the human rights crisis of the 21st Century, this seminar explores its magnitude and some responses in the ‘protest 4' a more just world. Si Johnston used to be a Baptist...
The Da Vinci Code Seminar
Why has this book so appealed to so many, and how might Christians engage with it creatively? Steve Hollinghurst works as a researcher for the Church Army, exploring how the church can communicate...
Big Beasts and Little Prophets
On the margins of empires and markets, little Jesus communities have long practised radical interdependence and hospitality. New and ancient stories of folks becoming the church they dream of. Shane...
The Fidelity of Betrayal: What
What if one of the core elements of Christianity lay in a demand that we betray it, while the ultimate act of affirming God required the forsaking of God? Employing the insights of apophatic theology...
Mind the Gap1 – Eyes Forward
Last year's MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign delivered – at least in part. But poverty is most definitely not history for millions today. Why not, and who got lost between the gaps? Rudo Kwaramba is...
Eco-Silence: Modern Hermit?
Renowned author Sara Maitland has been building her own hermitage and shares her explorations into the solitary life in the contemporary world. Sara Maitland had a very noisy family upbringing and,...
Changing gender, God and disc.
Sarah talks about gender, gender changes and her experiences on the sharp end of tabloid intrusion. Sarah Jones was ordained Deacon in the Church of England in July 2004. In January 2005 she hit the...
You’re history:How people make
How have people secured sustainable social change? And what effect does the Christian outlook have on our view of history? Michelle Brown is currently Professor of Medieval Manuscript Studies at the...
Muslims & Islam in the Media
Covering the treatment of contemporary issues related to Islam, this talk will look at (mis)representation, and the dangers this could present to society by reinforcing national identity on the one...
God on our side
How do we know when the Church is being either prophetic or just blindly resistant to the Spirit? How do we judge whether 'conservatism' or 'liberalism' is more orthodox' or 'biblical'? A look at...
Like a Virgin? Mary in the 21c
Who is Mary? Ancient archetype or contemporary role-model? Did she have body odour? Ever shout at the baby Jesus at 4 am? A sequence of poems exploring some of the meanings Mary might have for...
Speaker(s): Nicola SleeAn Interview with Norman Kember (hosted by Canon Lucy Winkett)
Canon Lucy Winkett interviews Norman about his experiences with CPT, his time as a hostage, and his perspective on the Middle Eastern situation. Norman Kember is a British peace activist who was...
In step with the rhythm?
The ‘secular' world and the greeting cards industry keep their own liturgical calendar. From Fathers' Day to Halloween, should the church's year keep pace? Fusing the ancient and the new in...
Entertaining Angels?
Do asylum seekers deserve dignity or destitution? How can we separate myth from reality? Some signposts on how we should respond to a contentious issue. Maeve Sherlockis Chief Executive of the...