Just a Marketing Bandwagon?
Fair Trade: just a marketing bandwagon? As Fair Trade Products enter the Mainstream Market will the big companies really be true to the idea and play fair with the producers... or is it just a...
Faith in the City
A panel of social activists and politicians discuss what works and what doesn't at the local level and how your church can make a lasting contribution in the community. For people seeking inspiration...
Nonviolence for the violent
From Jesus and Gandhi and King, we who are violent learn how to check our own violent tendencies and blaze the trail to a new, more humane society. Walter Wink is Professor Emeritus of Biblical...
Speaker(s): Alastair McIntoshStep out into Freedom
Freedom is one of the core values for our world today, but what does it mean to be free? Timothy Radcliffe uses the story of the raising of Lazarus to explore the nature of Christian...
Voices from the street
Tom and Sikhumbuzo share stories from the streets and tell how, inspired by Steve Biko's black consciousness movement, South African street children are creating a new future for themselves and those...
33rd Greenbelt Communion
One night in Egypt, an apprehensive people gathered to eat a hasty meal of lamb, bitter herbs and unleavened bread. With their coats on and their posessions bundled on their backs, they waited for...
Visions of Hope….
Hosted by Chris Rose with Tom Hewitt, Sikhumbuzo Makhubela, Jasmine Devadason, Roberto Martinez, Garth Hewitt, with Jeff Halper on video. Street children in South Africa, Dalits in Southern India,...
Jesus Slaves
For every slave freed 200 years ago, five more are captive today. That's not including slaves to poverty or drugs. Or shopping. What does 21st century slavery look like? Panel discussion with...
What is the point of being a –
What might belief mean for us today, and how can the lives of Christians be marked by a happiness and freedom, courage and truthfulness? Timothy Radcliffe was until recently Master of The Dominican...
Blend and Blur
Why at Greenbelt is it more likely that you'll be more encouraged to rip up trade laws than to be taught how to put together an Alpha Group? Is Social Justice more important than evangelism? Is...
The Word Made Flesh
Greenbelt has never questioned the vitality of God's Word BUT it has always provoked questions of how and where it comes alive. Is it a book to get our thoughts straight about God and salvation or...
Gospel According to Beatles
Forty years after the final concert of the Fab Four (August 29 1966) author Steve Turner examines their cultural impact and spiritual legacy. Based on the just-released book. Steve Turner began his...
The Man Called Cash
A look at the inner turmoil and outer conflicts that turned Johnny Cash from a backwoods gospel wannabe into an American legend. Steve Turner began his journalistic career as Features Editor of the...
Big Beasts and Little Prophets
On the margins of empires and markets, little Jesus communities have long practised radical interdependence and hospitality. New and ancient stories of folks becoming the church they dream of. Shane...
Holy Mischief
Prophetic stunts and theological pranks -- imagining ways of interrupting the destructive patterns of our world with ways that protest-ify something better. Circus performers welcome! Shane...