Sophie Grace Chappell (as far as she knows the UK's first openly transgender Christian philosophy professor) has literally written the book on what it's like to be trans as you face multiple...
Speaker(s): Sophie Grace ChappellIf You’re Not At The Table, You’re On The Menu
Many of our government-funded systems are failing the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. At the same time, we are side-lining our greatest asset, local people. We have a stark choice – to keep...
Speaker(s): Steve Chalke, Julie Siddiqi, Trussell TrustSCM Young Voices
What can we learn from Generation Z? Bite-sized talks and discussions on the topics the next generation of speakers are passionate about, kick-starting conversations that are important for everyone...
Speaker(s): Student Christian Movement, Methodist ChurchGod as… Uncontrolling Love
Many people are confused, deconstructing, or walking away from God. The reasons for departure are often linked to particular views of God. Many are told God allows evil, is uninvolved, is partial to...
Speaker(s): Thomas Jay OordSurviving the Middle-Class Church
Sharon Jagger and Alex Fry share stories from their research into the experiences of working-class clergy (and, by extension, their congregation members) in the Church of England. In light of their...
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Anna Alls, Dr Sharon Jagger, Dr Alex FryBanking On It
Around 1 million people in the UK don't have a bank account. Join the JustMoney Movement as they share how communities are organising to meet this need, what the role of credit union is, and what...
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, JustMoney Movement, The Pentecostal Credit Union (PCU)Why The Church Shouldn’t Include Working-Class People
Come for a lively discussion with Luke Larner about class, church and solidarity with people who are struggling against poverty. What might a 'just church' look like? What needs to change?""
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Luke LarnerConfounding the Mighty: Dreams for a Different Church
Join a panel of people who have lived experience of poverty, led by Luke Larner. How can we be church in a way that makes sure everyone can belong and have agency? How do we shift the power balance?
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Luke LarnerJust Worship
Join author Stef Benstead for the launch of her new book, in which she asks: what is God like, and how do we live lives that reflect God's character? Passionate about social justice and God's love...
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Stef BensteadWhose Dream Are We Living?
A diverse panel of guests discuss conformity and exclusion in the Church and society. Can the Church ever be a good ally for people on the margins, or are we destined to forever keep people ‘not...
Speaker(s): United Reformed ChurchDreaming of a Church that copes with difference
What if we disagree on scripture? Can LGBTQIA+ people share a church with conservative evangelicals? What about political differences? Let's dream about what a Church that can cope with difference...
Speaker(s): United Reformed ChurchHow To Dream While Awake
Will the dreams we have for our lives, our communities and our society ever come to pass considering the state things are in now? Hear the panel discuss how they keep dreaming despite the present...
Speaker(s): United Reformed ChurchPalestine Today #1
Hosted by Sally Assam from Nazareth, this chat show features Palestinian guests and discusses the ‘facts on the ground' in Gaza and the West Bank, and why our advocacy is so important. With mint...
Speaker(s): United Reformed Church, Amos TrustLet’s get High! Psychedelics and God
Once cast out, psychedelics are returning as treatments for depression, addiction, and PTSD, with research expanding to other health conditions, including Alzheimer's. Participants in research trials...
Speaker(s): Sughra Ahmed, Hunt Priest, Ros Watts, Guy HaywardVanessa Nakate In Conversation
Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist, Christian, Unicef goodwill ambassador and author. She speaks to Chine McDonald about how faith can sustain action for climate justice.
Speaker(s): Vanessa Nakate, Christian Aid, Chine McDonald