So what the hell should we believe?
Many people find their integrity challenged when expected to believe in a more literal interpretation of Scripture. A lot of these people find their way to Greenbelt where they feel they get a more...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonLiving Lightly In God’s World 2
What does it mean to live lightly in God's world today? What practical steps can we take in our own lives to respond to God's call for righteousness and justice for the earth and all its...
Speaker(s): Ruth ValerioWhy Films Can Make Us Kill Each Other Or Save The World
Using clips from films such as Jaws, Secrets and Lies, Rocky and The Big Lebowski Gareth Higgins, author of How Movies Helped Save My Soul, brings his experience in Northern Ireland to bear on...
Speaker(s): Gareth HigginsMoney Flows to The Author: Making Books Pay in the 21st Century
It used to be so simple. Publishers paid writers and then published the books they wrote. Then the internet happened and the traditional publishing model became unsustainable. How can an author earn...
Speaker(s): Simon MordenEqual Love – Time for gay civil marriage & straight civil partnerships
As coordinator of the Equal Love campaign, Peter Tatchell talks about his campaign to overturn the twin legal bans on same-sex civil marriages and opposite-sex civil partnerships in the European...
47 Soul
The music of 47SOUL takes Dabke – the traditional Palestinian street music and dance – to a whole new place. Deploying analogue synths, trance-inducing guitar lines and a mixture of Arabic and...
The 9 Beats Collective: Eric Leroy Wilson
Eric serves as the associate chaplain at Pepperdine University. He's a certified spiritual director, executive coach and religion blogger for the Huffington Post, and award-winning playwright and...
The 9 Beats Collective: Rozella Haydée White
Rozella is a coach, creator, and consultant. She currently serves as the Houston City director for Mission Year, an organisation committed to walking with young adults as they fall in love with Jesus...
Jendella Benson
Jendella Benson is a British-Nigerian writer, photographer and filmmaker, based in London.
Let The People Sing with Richard Navarro
Richard Navarro is an extraordinary vocalist and multi-instrumentalist. Evocative and uplifting, his original songs take the folk traditions of melody and storytelling and supercharge them through...
‘More than Welcome’ with the URC
A guest blog from associate partners, The United Reformed Church ... Church Related Community Work (CRCW) ministry in the United Reformed Church is about working collectively to bring about...
Raising Lazarus presented by Kat Francois
Kat Francois is an award winning performance artist and playwright, the first ever BBC Poetry Slam Champion in 2004.
Evita Too presented by Sh!t Theatre
A preview for Evita Too, a brand new future-cult musical from the multi award-winning Sh!t Theatre. Disco dictators Louise and Becca and their very well behaved Chorus of Interns bring you a show...
Ann Pettifor
Sovereign debt expert Ann is director of the PRIME economics network and a member of Labour's Economic Advisory Committee.
This young Bristol five-piece has bucketloads of grungy punk energy, a charismatic singer and a dark imagination: imagine Axl Rose fronting the Manic Street Preachers. They were discovered, playing...