Rachel Rose Reid
Rachel is the first European woman to be ordained by the Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute, which reclaims and renews Jewish earth-based, embodied spiritual practices, and feminine narratives and...
DJPC's love of otherworldly electronic sounds began as a young lad in Leeds when he experienced his local community radio stations playing the emerging house sound from the U.S in the late...
G-Books at Greenbelt 2018: Part 2
A guest blog from Church House Bookshop Already zipped through our last Greenbelt blog of reading suggestions? Here's seven more to whet your appetite for this year's festival… Plus –...
The Twitnits is a collective of improvisers based in Sussex, performing musicals and sketches inspired by audience suggestions since 2011. They have run a regular comedy night in Brighton and...
Siobhan Donnelly
Siobhan Donnelly is a singer, writer and community artist from Cumbria, via Huddersfield. Growing up, Siobhan always loved folk music and singing and still can't quite believe she now gets to do...
Hoop Weaving session with Rainbow Tree Workshops
Come and create colourful table matts and festival seats from up-cycled off cuts from the Eco Bag Workshop! Maintaining the 'nothing ends up in landfill' message this activity is also a no-waste...
The “thin” moment where each Sunday morning since 1974, everything else at Greenbelt stops. When we gather to worship God and share in the Festival Communion together. Listen, watch and download...
Experience A Refugee Journey First-Hand
Andy Robertson, aka GeekDad Gamer, returns to Greenbelt once more this summer with a whole heap of ideas and opportunities around digital gaming and exploring faith and meaning through them. Here, he...
The Greenbelt 2018 Book List – suggested reading
Summer holidays are on the way, and we thought you might like some top tips of some books you could read in the coming weeks to set you up ready for Greenbelt 2018, Acts of the Imagination. People...
There is no algorithm for ‘the holy’
American blogger and writer Rob Bell is back in the UK right now. And here at Greenbelt, we're thrilled to have worked with him to set up this Holy Shift Tour, his first dates here for almost eight...
The Iona Community
The Iona Community is a dispersed Christian ecumenical community working for peace and social justice, rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship.
Pippa King
My Life in Sharpie by Pippa King In the allotment gallery Pippa is displaying her calendars for the last three years. These are normal A4 wall calendars, the kind with boxes for each day to write...
Meg Wroe
Song of the Trees by Meg Wroe Song of the Trees is a series of paintings on wooden panels. Images of trees are carved into plywood, giving texture as well as form. In her current work Meg is...
Eric Rew
Out of the Whirlwind by Eric Rew Eric Rew is a vicar who has been discovering art as a way of exploring spirituality and mental health. Most recently he has been using abstract expressionism as a...
Greenbelt Policies
If you are in need of immediate support you can call the Samaritans free, 24hrs a day, on 116 123. They also have other ways you can contact them, explained on their website...