Plan B
We couldn't gather physically this year because of Covid-19. But we still wanted to do everything we could to bring as many of us together as possible. So this was our very own Plan B – a great...
The Job of Paradise
This year, Greenbelt's annual service of worship and reflection takes a different form. And we're all ears.
Liberation with Danté Stewart
This week – in what may be the best recommendation we've ever had – we're talking to theologian, former American footballer, and probably Rowan Williams' biggest fanboy, Danté Stewart. With...
Humanism with Andrew Copson
Get your best philosophical hats out for this episode because we're doing a deep dive into the not-so-holy-trinity of dinner table topics – religion, politics and belief – with Andrew Copson,...
Interdependence with Mpho Tutu van Furth
We're feeling humbled and full of love this week as we chat to artist, speaker, writer and priest, Mpho Tutu van Furth. Mpho tells us about her experiences living under apartheid as a young girl...
Speaker(s): Mpho TutuCommunity with Rabbi Herschel Gluck
This week we bask in the warmth of Rabbi Herschel Gluck – an incredible Orthodox Jewish leader – whose entire life seems to be one big act of love. Aside from being in awe of Rabbi Gluck's...
Speaker(s): Rabbi Herschel GluckRadicalism with Yvonne Ridley
This week on the podcast it's our absolute privilege to chat with Yvonne Ridley, a journalist and activist who has one of the most fascinating life stories we think you'll ever hear. Plus, her...
Dissent with Sister Teresa Forcades
The second conversation in our ‘Keeping the faith' series is with Sister Teresa Forcades who – with good reason – has been dubbed ‘Europe's most radical nun'. Sister Teresa joins us...
Speaker(s): Teresa Forcades i VilaProspect Farm T&C’s
When tickets are purchased via the Greenbelt website and box office, ticket buyers agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Prospect Farm FAQs
We've had lots of questions from people as they've been registering. We'll get to them all – ready for if and when we go on sale. But for now, here are just a few of the main threads...
Prospect Farm
– We couldn't bet the ranch. But we did go back to the farm.
Being a Greenbelt volunteer is a great opportunity to try out new skills, gain experience, face fresh challenges, make friends, enjoy being part of a team and, most of all, have fun making a fabulous...
Volunteering FAQs
Find answers to all your questions about volunteering at Greenbelt Festival. From registration and training to how we support you, our Volunteer FAQs cover everything you need to know to get involved.
Punk with Dream Nails
On the podcast this week Katherine and Paul welcome Mimi and Lucy from “queer, feminist, punk-witch band” Dream Nails. We discuss what it means to be punk – in the cliched sense but also in...
Speaker(s): Dream NailsDemocracy with Natalia Kaliada
This week's podcast episode is a very important one, so let's get straight to it. Katherine and Paul speak to writer, human rights campaigner, political refugee, theatre-maker and ‘public...