Seven ways to embrace silliness at Greenbelt
People come to Greenbelt for many, many reasons. For some it's a chance to encounter soulful artistry, whether it's music or theatre, comedy or conversation, from all over the world. For others...
Greenbelt through the decades: the 2010s
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, we've asked some of the folk who've helped bring Greenbelt Festival to life over the last 50 years to write a little something about their festival experiences....
The Spirituals
The Spirituals, founded by music artist and Creative Director Junior Garr, along with Arranger/Conductor Marsha Morrison, emerged as a powerful response to the injustice surrounding the death of...
Sadia Azmat
Sadia Azmat is a British stand-up comedian, writer and published author of Sex Bomb. In 2018 Sadia launched her critically acclaimed BBC podcast ‘No Country For Young Women' which was named as...
Ben Okafor
The music of Ben Okafor moves effortlessly between the best of African Reggae, with its rich lyrical heritage, classic folk protest songs in the vein of Bob Marley's Redemption Song, and driving...
6 things for in-betweener-greener-belters
Not all young people are the same. We get that. Each young person is unique. We love that. Some older teens still really value the support and security that our youth programming and venues provide....
6 things you might change your mind about at Greenbelt
Let's face it, in a world of fixed opinions and firmly-held views, being able to change your mind is almost a superpower. Creating spaces for Greenbelters to encounter something (or someone) new...
Children & Families
Greenbelt is an inter-generational festival, and we enjoy the company of plenty of children (and their parents and carers) onsite. Discover everything Greenbelt Festival for families - from babies to...
Over the past decade, Tawiah has self-released two EP's; In Jodi's Bedroom (2007) and Recreate (2017) which she toured with Moses Sumney. In 2019 she released her debut album Starts Again,...
Greenbelt Through the Decades: The 2000s
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, we've asked some of the folk who've helped bring Greenbelt Festival to life over the last 50 years to write a little something about their festival experiences....
Communities for Ukraine
To mark Greenbelt's 50th anniversary, we've teamed up with Citizens UK to recruit 50 new hosts for Ukrainians fleeing war and invasion as part of their pioneering Communities for Ukraine...
A new shape of days for our 50th
For our fiftieth anniversary year, Greenbelt Festival is shape-shifting. Slightly. Beginning and ending things differently so we can create a better festival experience for audience and...
Greenbelt Through the Decades: The 1990s
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, we've asked some of the folk who've helped bring Greenbelt Festival to life over the last 50 years to write a little something about their festival experiences....
50 years of partnership
We're pleased and proud to be able to share with you the wonderful array of partner organisations who will be present with us this year at our 50th anniversary gathering in various ways. Here's a...
Micha Frazer-Carroll
Micha Frazer-Carroll is a columnist at the Independent. She has previously edited for gal-dem, the Guardian and Blueprint, a mental health magazine that she founded. Micha has also written for Vogue,...