Alice Robinson
Alice V Robinson is a co-founder of British Pasture Leather and the author of Field, Fork, Fashion, a book that chronicles the making of her 2019 design collection “Bullock 374”. Her work...
Vanessa Kisuule
Vanessa Kisuule is a writer, performer and facilitator based in Bristol. She has won over ten slam titles and performed nationally and internationally. She has been featured on BBC iPlayer, Radio 1,...
Guy Hayward
Dr Guy Hayward is the Director of the British Pilgrimage Trust, which he co-founded in 2014 to promote the practice of 'bring your own beliefs' pilgrimage in Britain. He has been leading guided...
The Fringe is back
In Greenbelt's 51st year, we're really excited to be bringing back The Fringe. It's not a new idea, of course. It's an old one. This year, instead of an open call for submissions, we...
No Fly Zone
Now into our 31st year of partnership, it's hard to think of Greenbelt without Christian Aid. And this year, we're excited to collaborate with them on a brand new venue for Greenbelt – No Fly...
Come & join Nick & friends from Glamba Drumming with their Funky Junk Drumming Workshops. Play some amazing rhythms on a load of Rubbish with all drums & percussion reycled from everyday objects &...
Syren Belly Dance
Syren Alternative Belly Dancers are based in Cheltenham and perform to many different types of music. They have performed at festivals and events throughout the South West of England and have shared...
Kirsty Taylor
Kirsty Taylor is a writer and educator inspired by her beloved hometown Bradford. She is passionate about story telling through poetry and has performed all over the country telling tales about...
It takes a (festival) village
Greenbelt is a team effort and we couldn't do it without our amazing team of partners. Their voices, their passion and their determination to make the world a better place, also makes us a better...
Iona Community
The Iona Community is a dispersed Christian ecumenical community which works for peace and social justice, rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship. As well as singing music from the...
Refugees at Home
Refugees at Home connects people with a spare room to refugees and people seeking asylum in need of somewhere to stay. We were set up in 2016 in response to the war in Syria. Since then, we have...
Rensoll (Rachael Ensoll) is a Leeds-based spoken word/visual artist with a flair for illuminating the crevices of human experience - past, present and future. Beyond exploring her childhood home in...
Lois is a Leeds based artist who creates honest and outspoken music. Taking inspiration from the likes of HAIM, Olivia Dean and The Japanese House, her influences span a multitude of genres including...
Charlotte Carpenter
Charlotte Carpenter is the perfect embodiment of independence; out there, doing it on her own. This isn't some 'strong woman' cliché, this is a nominative determinism; place a piece of wood in her...
Ayla Lepine
Ayla Lepine is an Associate Rector at St James's Picadilly, before which she was Ahmanson Fellow in Art and Religion at the National Gallery. Originally from Canada, she moved to the UK in 2003...