Resist to Exist
There is a long history of citizens resisting injustice by withdrawing aspects of their legal cooperation with the State. This panel debates the ethics of civil disobedience and asks: is it ever OK...
Speaker(s): Extinction Rebellion, The Anti Fracking Nanas, Bishop Stephen CottrellHoly Mothers of God: Marriage
What do the stories of the women of Jesus' genealogy have to tell us about sex, work, marriage and holiness? With Marika Rose. This session will focus on Ruth and Bathsheba, whose stories show us...
Speaker(s): Winchester UniversityWhy Do Christians Idolise the Traditional Family?
How did Christians arrive at an odd combination of Old Testament patriarchy, New Testament urgency, Tudor machinations, Victorian purity, and the 1950s model of respectable breadwinner-led family as...
Speaker(s): Vicky WalkerHoly Mothers of God: Sex Work
What do the stories of the women of Jesus' genealogy have to tell us about sex, work, marriage and holiness? With Marika Rose. This session will focus on Tamar and Rahab, who both trade sex in...
Speaker(s): Winchester UniversityThe Poetry and Music of Science
Science is often seen as a knowledge-gathering exercise devoid of imagination. But Tom McLeish has listened both to scientists and artists and uncovered deep shared patterns in their creative...
Speaker(s): Tom McLeishThe World Does Not Need Any More White Saviours
With Revd. Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Revd. Ijeoma Ajibade, Shakeel Nurmahi and Revd. Duncan Dormor. Chaired by Revd. Dr Rachele (Evie) Vernon O'Brien. MP David Lammy's tweet to Comic Relief, arguing...
Speaker(s): USPGRadical Reading: Provocation from Pluto – The Violence of Austerity
Why is a criminologist editing a book about austerity? Vickie Cooper argues that the public sector cuts known as austerity deliberately target already disenfranchised groups and are a form of...
Speaker(s): Vickie CooperChurches’ action on climate change – any earthly use?
Should congregations simply join other groups tackling climate chaos? Or is there something distinctive, influential and powerful that churches together can do? Explore what mobilising the largest...
Speaker(s): The Hot HouseGetting your house in order
We're responding to the climate emergency. We're cutting down meat consumption and recycling like there's no tomorrow. But what about our houses? How sustainable are they? NOT! Get a wake up...
Speaker(s): The Hot House, Eric FewsterActivism in the Hostile Environment
The Stansted 15 assisted people to stay in the country and successfully claim asylum or succeed in other claims. But the law judged these concerned citizens to be 'terrorists'. What they were doing...
Speaker(s): The Stansted 15Should People of Faith Eat Animals?
CreatureKind founder ( and author of ground-breaking work on Christianity and animals, Professor David Clough asks us: What if our food choices could heal instead of hurt?...
Speaker(s): The Hot HouseTake Courage
It's happening: culture around the climate emergency is starting to shift and we need to make this shift happen BIG TIME in our lives, our communities, in the UK and in our world. Come and share...
Speaker(s): The Hot HouseDoes Your MP Listen To You?
Lobbying specialists Hope for the Future share insights and case studies on how to build alliances with even the most resistant of MPs. With a proven track record transforming the hearts and minds of...
Speaker(s): The Hot HouseThe Power Of Place
Stories of transformation that create synergies. Join us as we share experiences from Resonance and its partners around the power of place. Can concentrating resources on a locality bring about...
Speaker(s): The Exchange hosted by....When Business Goes Bad
With Mary Milne of Traidcraft Exchange Learn how ‘red carpet courts' help big businesses bully poor people. Mary Milne explains how our government is rolling out the red carpet and helping...
Speaker(s): The Exchange hosted by....