Crazy for God – 2
The religious right and how I helped found it. Frank Schaeffer It's embarrassing enough having any parent at all, but when your dad is regularly hailed as one of the greatest Christian thinkers of...
An inconvenient truth 2
Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the car Increases in the price of food and fuel are causing concern here, and hardship around the world. How can we understand the underlying...
Money Flows to The Author: Making Books Pay in the 21st Century
It used to be so simple. Publishers paid writers and then published the books they wrote. Then the internet happened and the traditional publishing model became unsustainable. How can an author earn...
Speaker(s): Simon Morden20% Wealth Tax – No need to cut public services
A one-off 20% wealth tax on the mega rich would raise £800 billion – enough to clear most of the national debt or pay off the government deficit four times over. With this tax, there would be no...
72 Virgins and all that: The Search for Muslim Paradise
The years after the 9/11 attacks have spawned an army of selfstyled Islam experts. They seem to have all the answers about what makes Muslims tick and relish telling us how Muslim men salivate over...
Speaker(s): Abdul-Rehman MalikBlessings and Rituals for the 21st century
People are choosing to bless babies and hold weddings and funerals without the church, in a way that seems less hypocritical, more celebratory and more in tune with their lives. How can the church...
The Blood of the Martyrs in the C21st
The wars of the new millennium have been matched with a rise in martyrdom around the globe. While most people view it as catastrophic, a growing number claim it has unique value. So what is...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonSecond set of lineup names for GB 2017
So, here's another crop of great names for this year's Greenbelt Festival programme – as eclectic and wide-ranging as you might have come to expect from us. After all, when you're exploring a theme...
First lineup announcements for GB 2017
We are delighted and excited to make our first set of lineup announcements for the 44th edition of Greenbelt Festival : The Common Good. Bursting with goodness, surprise and variety everywhere you...
2017 Lineup
Many said that Greenbelt 2017, our 44th festival edition, was our best yet. And we'll take that. We delivered a bill that was bursting with artistry, activism, belief, fun and participation. We're...
Better Together: 2017 partners
We're pleased to announce the organisations we'll be working together with this year for Greenbelt 2017 : The Common Good. Main partners: Christian Aid We're excited to be working with our...
2016 : Things happened.
A guest blog from our Christian media partner, Church Times. 2016. Things happened. As ever, the Church Times focus has been on professional, independent journalism, exploring Christian...
The Greenbelt 2016 Communion Service: A Little Child Will Lead Us –
A blog from the writer of our festival service this year, Andrew Graystone. The Festival Communion service at Greenbelt 2016 was led from start to finish by children. Let me explain a little of...
Scriptural Reasoning returns to Greenbelt 2016
This year, Greenbelt is pleased to be teaming up with the Cambridge Inter-faith Programme and Coexist House to bring you six Scriptural Reasoning (SR) workshops in the Canvas venue, a new space at...
Herstory at Greenbelt 2016
Alice Wroe blogs about bringing her Herstory project to Greenbelt this year ...Herstory uses feminist art to engage people with women's history. It is a project that aims to disrupt the history we...