Next Year’s Tickets. This Year’s Prices.
We've just turned 50 but (as it turns out) we've already had our mid-life crisis, when we completely rethought our ticket prices last year. We knew times were tight (and still are), so we...
Ella Vaday
The self-proclaimed “drag beast from the East” made history on the TV global franchise becoming the only queen to win four challenges and never place in the bottom! Ella Vaday has become...
Judy Reith
Greenbelt veteran Judy Reith is a writer and life coach. Her last book was co-written with her husband Adrian about the art of growing older. Judy and Adrian had mapped out their hopes for ageing...
Fifty-Thirty: Greenbelt and Christian Aid
A guest blog from our longterm main partner, Christian Aid. As we get ready to celebrate Greenbelt's 50th anniversary, this year's festival also marks another major milestone — 30 years of...
Greenbelt Is A Real Drag This Year
Pictured: Kitty Scott Claus We had the original ‘Drag Queen Storytime' troupe to Greenbelt back in 2019. Both they and our audience really loved the experience. So, given the mounting...
Storm Cecile
Storm Cecile is an international spoken word poet who helps brands share meaningful stories and messages with their clientele through performance poetry. She is the Founder of the Winning Poem 'Men...
10 festival unforgettables (no we’re not talking about the performers)
Not long to go now. As you read this, our small army of volunteers are already at Boughton House beginning to build the bones of our festival. So we thought this would be the perfect moment to put...
Hybrid hopes
When you reach a significant age and throw a party you want as many people there as possible. But what if everyone can't make it? What then? The festival takes a very particular, physical form....
10 things you won’t want to miss this Greenbelt
Just two weeks out and perhaps you're starting to think about your packing for this year's Greenbelt. You are, we suspect, definitely starting to think about who and what and where you're...
Church Action on Poverty
Church Action on Poverty works in partnership with churches, and with people in poverty themselves, to tackle the root causes of UK poverty. We put gospel values of justice and compassion into...
The Jamaican Bible Remix Audio Walk
Curated by Robert Beckford and Tony Bean 5am records Theologian Robert Beckford and music producer Tony Bean created the Jamaican Bible Remix using the words of the patois in the Jamaican New...
Greenbelt Youth
Greenbelt is a great festival for young people. It's a really safe space in which you can relax, explore and have fun. And it's a really accepting festival, too. It's an inclusive place —...
The Jamaican Bible Remix (JBR) Audio Walk Curated by Robert Beckford a
ALL WEEKEND Between 10am and 6pm (11am on Sun) Starting at The Shelter The Jamaican Bible Remix (JBR) Audio Walk Curated by Robert Beckford and Tony Bean 5am records Theologian Robert Beckford and...
Sarah Hutt and Phil Guthrie set up Crux to help people hold better conversations so they can lead less stressful, more peaceful lives. With diverse backgrounds in construction and politics, they...
The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is a partnership between the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, and the United Reformed Church. Its purpose is to help the churches to work...