Judy Reith
Judy Reith is the founder of parentingpeople.co.uk, helping parents to be less anxious and more confident, calm and fun.
A singer-songwriter and music producer based in Leeds, Kari is currently working on her third album. With her band, she delivers an original combination of strong indie-pop vocal melodies,...
Katharine Welby-Roberts
Katharine Welby-Roberts is an advocate for mental health provision in the UK and blogs about her own experiences with depression.
Katherine Maxwell-Rose
Katherine is an activist and editor of Tearfund Rhythms which inspires the emerging generation to live differently through ethical lifestyle choices.
The Thousand Mile Dress by Katie Duxbury
Katie Duxbury is a theatrical costume maker and dresser, and makes her own creations inspired by historical clothing and nature.
Keal Work
We watch our children play, like little gods, they take out their toys and create a universe as they want it to be. We too like to play, we gather materials, arrange and combine them, we too have...
Homegrown Collective
The Homegrown Collective are a group of musicians exploring a new way of being artists together through living and working in a multi-medium creative community where each member brings their own...
Iain Archer
Iain Archer got an Ivor Novello Award for co-writing Snow Patrol's breakthrough album Final Straw. His own albums are full of raw, intimate gems – warm, folky and full of rich imagery. He has other...
Imagine Satsang
The Imagine Forum encourages new sounds and creative expressions of dynamic multicultural worship in the UK Church.
Jamie Poole
Jamie displays this 'text' painting, sharing the story of his coming to faith. People visiting the show will be invited to try and create their own text-based artwork by decorating a small wooden...
Jason Patterson
Comedy circuit regular Jason brings hilarious tales of moving to a council estate and being a Prince fan (connected???).
Jeff Halper
Jeff Halper is an Israeli anthropologist. He serves as the Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) in Jerusalem and is a founding member of the One Democratic State...
Jeremy Moodey
A former diplomat and investment banker, Jeremy Moodey is now chief executive of the charity Embrace the Middle East.
Joanna Jepson
Joanna Jepson is an Anglican priest, author, broadcaster and coach. She was the first ever chaplain to the British fashion industry.
John Bell
John Bell first came to Greenbelt expecting it to be an advanced judo course where he might learn some new moves. He has been moving ever since. During the pandemic he learned how to right click and...