Anyday presented by Max Calaf Sevé
Max is a contemporary circus artist, specialising in trampoline acrobatics, object manipulation and physical theatre.
Most Revd Dr Winston Halapua
A campaigner on issues from climate change to social justice, Winston has been the Archbishop of Polynesia since 2010.
CC Smugglers
“There are buskers that will make you cry, they're so good”, according to cult Americana artist Andrew Bird. “And then there are buskers that will take you to a place where sound and energy...
Clive Stafford Smith
Awarded an OBE for "humanitarian services", Clive is a lawyer specialising in defending people accused of the most serious crimes.
Elizabeth Edman
Liz is an Episcopal priest and political strategist specialising in the intersection of religion and sexuality.
Goan Dogs
Described by Guy Garvey as “Bristol's finest”, Goan Dogs are five musicians supplying skin-tight crafted grooves, carried away on a luscious undertow of rhythms and chiming six-string...
The Big Bank Shift
From way back when, Greenbelt has made room to engage with the impacts of Climate Change. In the early 1990s, Midnight Oil thundered through a set on the mainstage, with Peter Garrett, their lead...
Join the Greenbelt team
Greenbelt is a handmade festival, developed and delivered with the support of hundreds of volunteers by a small staff team. From time to time we do have opportunities to join our small, friendly...
Rainbow List Awards
Last night our Creative Director Paul Northup attended OneBodyOneFaith's Rainbow List Awards. Greenbelt is really proud to be on this list. Here are some of Paul's words from the ceremony...
Teresa Forcades i Vila
Teresa Forcades, Spanish Benedictine nun, theologian, physician and political activist, is one of Europe's leading radical thinkers.
AGF Award for Sustainability
Once again Greenbelt has been awarded by A Greener Festival for our efforts to create an environmentally friendly and sustainable event. "Greenbelt have demonstrated a passionate drive for a greener...
AIE Gold Award for Access
We are really pleased to have been awarded the Gold Level on the Charter of Best Practice by Attitude is Everything for our commitment to improving access for deaf and disabled festivalgoers at...
Bearing Witness
Does a million people on a march make any difference? Do two million? If someone is determined to enact laws which target people for their religious beliefs or their place of birth, will they think...
Building the Common Good
We've been working hard on ideas and invites to build the programme for Greenbelt 2017 : The Common Good. We're really excited at how things are shaping up. We'll be announcing the first lineup names...
A Greener Festival Award
We are very happy to announce that Greenbelt has been given a prestigious award for sustainability. A Greener Festival look at festivals around the world and assess data around their fuel and...