Youth Work, the Church and the Big Society
What will youth work look like in the future? What have we learned so far and what inspires us in 2012? If the Church has a transformative role to play with emerging generations, how does this fit...
Are your magisteria overlapping?
Science. Religion. Religion. Science. Always having a pop at each other, demanding we take sides. But maybe our magisteria don't need to overlap, maybe science and religion, as Stephen Jay Gould...
Criminal Justice: A kingdom welcome: integrating ex-offenders
The church is uniquely placed to support those that have been in prison. Come and hear stories of transformation and discuss how the church can love radically and support holistically. With William...
Criminal Justice: Theatre in Prisons
Esther Baker (Artistic Director of Synergy Theatre Project) talks about the the highs and lows of working with prisoners, ex-prisoners and young people at risk of offending. Alongside her two...
Finding your feet in a church full of families
Being on your own in church can be hard. We're told we're all part of the same body. Does that really match your experience? Can we contribute to church life when we feel marginalised? What can...
Speaker(s): Sara BattsFirst Steps Out Of Weight Problems
A back-to-basics, no-nonsense guide to weight issues: why people gain weight, and how they can get back into a healthy weight range – and stay there. Catherine Francis explains pros and cons to...
Play and Pray Outdoors with Children
Does everything we do with children need to be energetic and fast moving? Just as adults need space for contemplation so we should provide opportunities for children to think about the world around...
A more ethical Wedding
A workshop on organising a more ethical wedding. Weddings don't need to cost £20K to be good, or use huge amounts of resources on things you will never use again. Some of the best weddings are...
Alcohol: Britain’s Holy Grail
Brits spend in pubs three times what they spend on theatre, cinema and bingo combined. Government policy on tackling alcohol abuse has been weak, but with politicians being influenced by public...
Called to Order?
Do you want to know how the Church of England chooses its clergy? A seminar for personal enquirers, and anyone who is curious, led by a Diocesan director of ministry and former director of ordinands,...
Celebrity Chefs: Gnostic Christians
The Western obsession with food has become idolatrous. Our overemphasis on meat and fish creates damaging consequences for the environment, world hunger, and animal welfare. There are Biblical...
Co-operatives: Working Together for a Fairer World
From Fairtrade coffee growers in South America to snake charmers in India, cooperative enterprises have been building a fairer world for their members for over 200 years. This workshop will explore...
Clean Cut Kid
Clean Cut Kid are a contemporary indie-pop act who mix classic melodies with sonic adventurousness and deliver defiant pop hooks with an emotionally-charged fragility. Listeners of a certain vintage...
The 9 Beats Collective: Mikael Rahbæk Andreasen
Mikael is a musician and award-winning composer based in Copenhagen, Denmark, who primarily works under the moniker Kloster (the Danish word for monastery) which is simultaneously a solo project, a...
Josephine Cocoran
Josephine is a poet, playwright, and short story writer. She founded and edits online poetry journal And Other Poems.