Nature Unleashed: The Meaning of Dominion and our Stewardship of Planet Earth
What is our role within the Biosphere? Dominion and subduing nature, as Adam was instructed? Or have the Fall and the new covenant changed this? Let's take a journey of discovery through the...
Life at the Circus: Painting the town red
Contemporary life in the UK is noisy and full of distraction. Finding a still centre in our busy modern world is tricky, but is it even necessary? If you're not a nun or a monk, what does following...
Speaker(s): Lucy WinkettThis Little Light Of Mine
Our Lord exhorts us to come out from our bushels and take to our lampstands. But how can we witness as Christians in a broadcast culture which seeks to marginalise us to the point of invisibility or...
What happens when you pray?
Whether you believe or not, you can't deny prayer is a powerful thing. It can be calming, euphoric, motivating or just reassuring. Richard Coles is joined by psychologist Chris French and author...
Speaker(s): Lucy Winkett, Mark VernonCan We Remake Our World?
From the Arab Spring to the economic autumn, the politics of our world has rarely seemed so unpredictable. But it is possible to see a better world and a way that we can shape it together. Douglas...
Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me
What does our culture's fascination with personal stories tell us? And how do our own stories help us understand God's presence and working? Ian Morgan Cron facilitates a conversation on his...
Kingdom Come? The Gospels and Christian Hope
Christians often overlook the gospels and focus on “going to heaven' instead of Jesus” insistence on God's kingdom coming “on earth as in heaven”. Tom Wright offers a richer reading of...
Equal Love – Time for gay civil marriage & straight civil partnerships
As coordinator of the Equal Love campaign, Peter Tatchell talks about his campaign to overturn the twin legal bans on same-sex civil marriages and opposite-sex civil partnerships in the European...
How to think with the soul instead of following rules
Why are some Christians spiritually dumb, and some atheists spiritually intelligent? Why does church sometimes stop people growing spiritually? How can we develop our SQ and discover a more...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonSaving Paradise in Islam, Judaism and Christianity
What do Muslims, Jews and Christians mean when they talk about paradise? Is it about this life or another life? Earth or heaven? Have they got a common understanding or do they totally disagree....
The Military Ethical Complex
How do you make moral decisions on the battlefield? The DNA of the British Army, which used to be Christian, is now increasingly secular, and the nature of battle has also changed. Giles Fraser...
Speaker(s): Giles FraserEconomics of Rebirth
Does God's economy look like Wall Street? Can the world afford the American dream or does God have another dream in mind? Shane revisits the biblical vision of Jubilee redistribution and the...
The Naked Anabaptist
Anabaptist Christians have been around for almost 500 years but what does Anabaptism look like in the 21st century? Karen Stallard and Stuart Murray BethanyWilliams peel back the layers to reveal its...
Issues facing Youth culture(s)
Britain's young people refuse to be put in a box – but what are some of the over-arching issues they are facing at school, at home, and beyond? Experienced practitioners ask what can youth...
What does it mean to be involved in mission among young people? What works – what doesn't? Is youth evangelism in 2012 about relationships, incarnation or proclamation? Martin Saunders is...