Justice and mercy in a consumer world: thinking locally, acting globally
Justice and mercy are becoming commodities to be bought and sold; relationship and compassion are being squeezed out. How do we make real Jesus's call to love God and others and not be ripped off...
Irish soul
Once known as the ‘land of saints and scholars', Ireland is now in danger of being reduced to a ‘land of stocks and shares'. What does the Irish soul look like now, and what might its gifts...
Speaker(s): Gareth HigginsWhy Films Can Make Us Kill Each Other Or Save The World
Using clips from films such as Jaws, Secrets and Lies, Rocky and The Big Lebowski Gareth Higgins, author of How Movies Helped Save My Soul, brings his experience in Northern Ireland to bear on...
Speaker(s): Gareth HigginsThe Unbearable Lightness Of Being Brainwashed
To what do we refer when we speak of religious commitment? Is there any other kind? David Dark suggests that we're perhaps most faithful to the world God so loves when we bring a redemptive and...
The power of the put on: questioning media
Mainstream media is carefully designed and redesigned to hold our attention by any means necessary. But more the more democratic forms of blogging, music and poetry afford us a landscape in which our...
The Party’s Over
The party's over Membership of political parties is falling rapidly. Is this a cause for alarm or celebration? ‘Counting ourselves out' can be a prophetic option for Christians in the UK today,...
Is Poverty Being Made History?
Douglas Alexander answers your questions on the UK's role in the global campaign to end poverty... and on what you can do to make a difference. Douglas Alexander MP was delivering Christian Aid...
Why politics matter
Mainstream politics is under fire as never before with people questioning its claim to be an effective tool for changing our world. The traditional political parties, it is claimed, are all much of a...
Faith and spirituality in the music of Oliver Messiaen
Olivier Messiaen was one of the most influential religious artists and composers of the twentieth century. Writing in a time dominated by cynicism and abstraction, the irrepressible optimism of his...
I just can’t stop! Addiction: the hidden secret
Drinking, eating, shopping, taking drugs, reading porn, having sex, going in and out of unhealthy relationships, working… what do you do when you can't give it up? Compulsively ‘act out'...
Living Lightly in God’s World – part 1
Living lightly in God's world 1 As the climate changes and creation groans, what resources can the Christian faith give us for living hopefully and differently on planet earth? Is the Bible part of...
Re-enchanting Christianity: faith for today
Re-enchanting Christianity: Faith for today An exploration of how Christianity, once deconstructed, can become credible again – not by returning to some lost innocence, but by discovering a...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonThe Gospel According To The USA – Questioning America In A Year Of Election
The Gospel according to the USA: Questioning America in a year of election With an eye on the passing of US global hegemony, David Dark discusses the battle for hearts and minds in the presidential...
35th Greenbelt Communion Service
We 'throw those curtains wide' when the sun shines; we mope when it doesn't. Pouring energy and life our lives, God shines on us, like the great sun itself. Processing fromt he north, south, east and...
Rediscovering Christian Faith as a Way of Life
Rediscovering Christian faith as a way of life In the hands of institutions, the way of Jesus becomes a list of rules or a system of beliefs instead of the vibrant and world transforming way of life...
Speaker(s): Brian McLaren