Does Big Society Need Big Religion
David Cameron's new vision of Big Society – civility, neighbourliness, community action, giving a helping hand – sounds an awful lot like good old-fashioned religion. What do the faithful make...
Speaker(s): Abdul-Rehman MalikJerusalem: will it ever be a city of peace?
The UN has declared that, for peace to work in the Middle East, Jerusalem needs to be a shared capital. At a time when this seems some way off, what can we do to encourage harmony among the city's...
The Last Bus Home
Nostalgia was once a medical condition to be treated with leeches; now we treat the nostalgic to a magazine series that throws in a free binder. Andrew Rumsey asks why the “longing for home” has...
Speaker(s): Andrew RumseyBeing Jewish, the Israeli-Palastinian conflict
Israel is frequently attacked by advocates of human rights and social justice. Critics who are Jewish find themselves desribed by some fellow Jews as “traitors” or “self-hating”. Brian Klug...
A Christian Challenge To Britian’s War Culture
Britain's approach to international issues such as global terrorism and nuclear disarmament has been characterised as confrontational and self-serving. Bruce Kent will be exploring how a Christian...
Speaker(s): Bruce KentIn conversation
Bring your questions and get some more. Rob Bell is the author of Velvet Elvis, Sex God and Jesus Wants To Save Christians, and founding pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church. He also writes and narrates...
The Two Kinds Of New
Can we expect to get better and fresher and more relevant with age or will we inevitably grow stale, brittle, and irrelevant? In many art forms, it's assumed that the older you get the fresher and...
The Third Tribe
Live Aid or Dead Aid
Has Aid become the problem rather than the solution for the developing world? Is Bono's or Moyo's model the way forward? Robert will take a deeper look at these dynamics through a popular...
Saving Paradise Part 1
No images of Jesus dead exist in Christian church art for a millennium. Instead, churches filled spaces with images of paradise as this world. What are the implications of this for Christian faith...
The birth of Christianity and the death of meaning
Christianity is widely thought of as providing a means of understanding the world and our place within it. Pete argues that revelation is not a language that describes the world, but rather a...
How not to believe
How not to believe... and how to have faith. Can you be part of a faith tradition without assenting to it all? Be outside faith but still believe? Talking faith, doubt and uncertainty blues with...
Growth does not reside in a place called comfortable
Our emotions can be both disabling and a powerful energiser when dealing with put downs, aggression, bullying, difficult behaviour and relationships. Pip Wilson is full of strengths and super-full...
Saving Paradise Part 3
Christian social justice movements in the 19th and 20th centuries sought to create the kingdom of God ‘on earth as it is in heaven.' We look at the future of these movements. If you went to an...
Justice is not Christian
Churches, Archbishops and NGOs all talk a lot about justice, but is it really a Christian ethic? Does the pursuit of justice sometimes cause more harm than good? Do Christians have an ethical...