Heavenly Fictions
Visions of hell have preoccupied writers from Dante to Dickens but few have dared to imagine heaven. Andrew will explore the afterlife and apocalypse as discussed by contemporary writers from Douglas...
The Truth Isnt Sexy Campaign
The Truth isn't Sexy': if not you then who? The campaign against sex trafficking starts with challenging the demand culture at home. Aimie and Shannon discuss how to get involved and make TTIS happen...
I know it’s true- ‘cos I saw it on TV
The digital world poses new challenges for viewers, listeners, surfers and programme-makers. In a media-saturated culture how can we make sense of the hundreds of stories that amuse, bemuse and...
Speaker(s): Andrew GraystoneFinding myself through murder
Having started writing murder mysteries in Africa at the age of 60, Andrew felt at first as if he was just being escapist. Find out how he actually became present to himself in a new way. Andrew...
Climate change makes poverty permanent
Andrew discusses why Christian Aid has turned its attention to climate change with its Cut the Carbon campaign. Andrew Pendleton is Christian Aid's senior policy officer on climate change and...
Back to my roots
With genealogy enjoying a resurgence in popularity, Andrew shins up the family tree and considers our search for identity and belonging in the light of Christian belief. Andrew Rumsey is a South...
Speaker(s): Andrew RumseyTime to boycott Israeli goods?
Can the pound in your pocket deliver a just peace for the Holy Land? From apartheid South Africa to multinational chocolate companies, boycotts have long focused the world's consumers on injustice....
What’s Wrong With Our Political System?
One vote every five years? First Past The Post (FPTP) in a modern democracy? Do you believe in the AV? Or perhaps STV? Or the ACDA (A Completely Different Acronym) Jonathan Bartley of think tank...
When are online communities real?
What is it that makes an online community work? After thirty years of experimentation, we ought to know. But to judge by the results we don't. What we seem to have made online is antisocial...
Bringing the funny
It is a truth universally acknowledged that contemporary readers are too sceptical to believe in happy endings. But bestseller lists suggest we still demand them and we want to laugh, too. Andrew...
Speaker(s): Andrew TateTragedy or, the world of accidents
Is there any such thing as tragedy in the 21st century? What use is an old literary term worn thin by tabloid headlines about everything from sporting defeat to starvation? Is it possible to speak of...
Speaker(s): Andrew TateChristian Warriors
Should Christians join the military? Are Christian pacifists naively avoiding reality? Symon's faith inspires him to campaign against militarism; Mike's faith motivates his ministry as a Chaplain...
Don’t Let Them Put You Down
Is it right to assist those who are at the end of their lives, to end their lives? If not, why not? Witness statements come from Lesley Misrahi (qualified in public health and theology), George...
How do you know what you know
If the scientists and the religionists could settle down for a moment, maybe we could ask just how rational art is... or science... or religion? Panellists include comedian and atheist Robin Ince and...
Meat is murdering the planet
Should we take a vow of vegetarianism? Isn't it time we recognised that our meatbased diets are a disaster for our globe? Has the ethical argument been overtaken by a pragmatic one – are we...