Slavery today join the fight for freedom
Slavery has not gone away. Contemporary forms affect at least 12.3 million men, women and children in the 21st century. What can the campaign against the Atlantic slave trade teach us as we seek to...
The Beautiful Life: Ten new commandments
When we become disconnected from who we are it is a long Journey home. Simon offers ten new commandments to help us back to a beautiful life. Simon Parke was a priest in the Church of England but...
Speaker(s): Simon ParkeAn Interview with Sister Frances Dominica (hosted by Jonathan Mayo)
The women and men of the old orders walked with God into some of the places we never wanted to experience or imagine. Deserts. War . zones. Slums. Sister Francis has continued this tradition by...
How do children cope with death & greavement
We used to opt out of facing children's distress by saying 'children are resilient' but we realise now that children's grief is as profound and idiosyncratic as adult grief. Sister Frances draws on...
More than eyes can see; a 9 month journey
Rhidian will be presenting thoughts and pictures from the incredible journey th at took him, his wife and two children to Africa, India and China. Rhidian Brook is a writer and broadcaster. His...
Pie in the Sky – Can Believing in Heaven Change the World Now
Some Christians still look upwards like the disciples did when Jesus ascended. What did heaven mean at the time of the New Testament and how do we translate those beliefs into our modern...
Speaker(s): Paula GooderFaith With or Without God – Towards a Heretical Orthodoxy
Faith with/without God: towards a heretical othodoxy Today we witness a passionate debate between those who would claim that Christianity is true and those who would claim that it is not. Pete will...
Embodied mysticism: what does it mean to be
An idiosyncratic and improvisational journey through conver sation and percussive performance into knowing and not knowing, being and doing, silence and sound. Philip Roderick is a priest and...
Confront or walk away?
A look at how Christians can deal with conflict. Raj will draw on cases he is involved in and get people think ing about how they may cope with, resolve or even utilise situations they find...
A Voice From Heaven
In his opening verses, Mark offers us the key to understanding the story he is about to relate. What does he tell us about Jesus, who 'came from Nazareth in Galilee', and why is it so...
Stars and Angels
How are we to understand the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke? As fairy stories, that we can safely discard, as factual accounts, or as Gospel Truth? Morna Hooker is a retired Cambridge...
Making UK poverty history
Make Poverty History helped raise our aspirations to make global poverty history, but while this battle goes on is it time to focus our at tention on poverty much closer to home? Niall Cooper is the...
Speaker(s): Niall CooperHungry forhope
Zimbabwe has gone from . breadbasket to basketcase in a generation. From the politics to the personal, how does a theology of hope address individuals in a complex world? Nick Baines is an author,...
Sometimes in the Gospel Jesus appears to be 'economical with the truth'. Why? And what do Jesus lies teach us about living faithfully as Christians today? Nigel Varndell has worked at Christian Aid...
Message to a dying church
What if we could confess that after all these years, the truth remains that we're not very good at Christianity? We might be surprised to find that within our aging congregations is a capacity for...
Speaker(s): Mark Yaconelli