God’s Politics
Religious fundamentalists scare us with their interpretation of faith and politics, while secular ones are scared of faith having any impact. One doesn't speak for us, while the other wants us to...
A Moral Response to Terrorism – An Alternative to George Bush’s Crusade
So do you think terrorism is a real threat, but don't like George Bush's moral crusade? Is there an alternative and better way? Yes! Jim is an author, activist and international commentator on...
Recycle your Church : green –
Worship in wellies? Prayers for the planet? Composting churchyard clippings? Come and consider how to be environmental and ethical in worship, work and witness. Taking home the 'green' in...
An Emasculated Jesus in a Defeminsed Church
An attempt to liberate Jesus from being a passive imp and the church from being masons in mufti. John Bell is an itinerant member of the Iona Community who has written a few songs, authored a few...
Speaker(s): John BellWhatever Happend to Heaven
Since Yuri Gagarin circled the earth and failed to see God on a cloud, the venue and significance of heaven has taken a nosedive. Here it is relocated. John Bell is an itinerant member of the Iona...
Speaker(s): John BellFrom Mission Hall to Mosque –
In 1977, Ibrahim Hewitt played to the Queen in her Silver Jubilee. In 2002, he was a guest at her Golden Jubilee in acknowledgement of his work as a leading British Muslim. So how did a...
If you love some1 set ’em free
Too young and not qualified' was how Jackie Pullinger's request to be a missionary was refused, before she became a world authority on addiction. Hear how her love for ‘the other' forced her...
Dealing with the Clobber Texts
Does the Bible have anything at all to say about homosexuality? Reading texts through the eyes of the Attorney for the Defence (and what else is a “Paraclete?”) will give us the outline of...
Imperfectly Natural Woman
Janey shares the best eco-tips from her No 1 bestseller, and will explain how to be healthy and green, without beating yourself up. Janey Lee-Grace began her career as a backing singer for George...
You say tomato-God’s politics
Jim Wallis, author of 'God's Politics', and British cabinet minister and regular Greenbelt speaker Stephen Timms MP discuss how faith and politics mix each side - and across - the Atlantic. (This...
I.T.’s not a Mystery
Information Technology is driving a new form of mysticism that is open to spirituality and but not traditional Christianity. It brings a belief in the im-possible, a paradoxical combination of...
Speaker(s): Ian MobsbyCreating a Living Community
We all live in communities of one sort or another. But how can communities be created, and why are they good? Elizabeth Bayliss is director of Social Action for Health and has worked among Soho's...
Urban teenagers
Urban teenagers - Asbo kids or new Apostles? As Fran worked on ‘Seven Kings' she was struck by how deeply religious most of the teenagers in her book were, and how this contradicted so much of...
Religious education painful?
Can all ages in your church read and enjoy God's word together? Using the “build, plant, grow” it might just be possible. Harold Hoyle is a Lecturer in the graduate School of Counselling...
Being The Change We Want To Se
We can't change anybody but ourselves. This seminar will explore how we can practise the be-attitudes and be the change we want to see in the world. Dave Andrews has lived and worked in...
Speaker(s): Dave Andrews