The Northern Irish Jesus……
The northern Irish Jesus: warrior or wimp? Images of Jesus often suggest an over-feminised weakling or the twin brother of Arnold Schwarzenegger. A look at how peace-building in northern Ireland...
Speaker(s): Gareth HigginsEaster Rising – A New Carnival
Easter rising: a new carnival Here's a crazy idea: let's celebrate Easter next year. There ought to be a carnival in Hyde Park, a mass demonstration that we have something to rejoice about, a...
Towards A New Frontier
How do mission-based approaches to social policy compare with government schemes? A discussion of three successful youth and community operations. Bob & Annette Holman work with Frontier Youth Trust...
Practical Reconciliation
Keiko outlines her work organising pilgrimages of reconciliation for former POWs. Keiko Holmes works for Agape – a reconciliation ministry described as ‘unique' by Sir David Wright, the...
How Swallow a Bible
Some organisations take the opportunity to evangelise people with nothing. Are they offering a lifeline, or does it stink? A debate between two friends who can't agree. Nigel Varndell & Peter...
Speaker(s): Peter GraystoneMustard Tree, Stunted….
A critical examination of the contribution so far of the Bible and Jesus Christ to ending global poverty. Prabhu Guptara is a fellow of many esteemed organisations and a visiting professor at...
Supporting Peacemakers……
Supporting peacemakers in conflict areas Peace Direct supports local peacemakers in conflict zones, taking practical steps towards a world where peace-building techniques are as well understood as...
A Life Stripped Bare
Dishwasher or Fairy Liquid? Organic veg or locally-grown? Bring your questions for this Q&A with Britain's leading expert on consumer ethics. Leo Hickman is journalist, editor and consumer expert...
Tent People
The Church's original instruction was to travel light. Where do our buildings come in list of priorities and what are the principles that should shape our worship spaces in an age of...
Making Poverty History, where have we got to & where are we going?
What did the G8 in Gleneagles do for the world's poor? What more is there to do? And how can you help? Jonathan Glennie is a policy officer working at Christian Aid. He has worked with street and...
The Monk Within
The monk is said to be one who ‘truly seeks God', a universal archetype within the human person. This session will share the spirituality and meanings of the monk for today. Laurence Freeman is...
Monastery Without Walls
Spiritual friendship is essential for the human journey if we are to develop well. An exploration of what forms work best, what we have to learn from traditional forms and what may no longer work so...
Temple People
God's people have always encountered God on the road. How come we ended up building temples? Tips on how to use worship spaces to recall us to the pilgrim people we really are. Richard Giles is...
Helen House Founder
In a culture where bureaucracy prevails, friendship and practical support is what families with a child or children with lifeshortening illnesses crave. Sister Frances Dominica created Helen House,...
Why Do I Do This Every Day?
Why do I do this every day? Many adults still don't know what they want to be when they grow up. Fraser outlines the factors that contribute to career disaffection, and suggests some ways...
Speaker(s): Fraser Dyer