Gospel Discernment in the Apocalyp of War: Resisting the Propoganda of Empire Then and Now
Theological Reflection Under the Shadow of Death: Jesus on the Road to Emmaus
An interview with Robert Newman (hosted by Paul Northup)
My Father Was a Hero
The Meaning in the Miracles Part 1
Whose Holy Land? God’s, Ours or Yours?
The Wall Must Fall – Aparthied in Palestine
Why Business not Charity is the Key
Paul: Advocate of Freedom
Paul: Champion of Women
Image or Identity
Speaker(s): Joanna Jepson
A President of the Virtual Realm
Towards the Dawn: Interfaith peacemaking in a land once known as holy
Speaker(s): Garth Hewitt
Why Rothco is Bad for Your Spiritual Health
Speaker(s): Giles Fraser
Family Affair: Intergenerational ministry