Brother Suns and Sister Moons
We will consider Servants to Asia's Urban Poor as a model of how we can become Brother Suns and Sister Moons engaging the New Dark Age. Servants is a network of mission communities committed to...
Speaker(s): Dave AndrewsThe New Dark Ages
Lately I have been having a recurring nightmare - that the world is moving slowly but surely into a New Dark Age. In my dreams I see a landscape shrouded in darkness. And as I look more closely I can...
Speaker(s): Dave AndrewsApostles and Prophets: Can We Speak For God
Five Pagan Values Christians Love – When Evil looks Good
Conspiracy of Silence
The Significant Other: the place of God in literature from Matrix to Harry Potter
Healing the Wounds of Trauma
Is Speaking in Tongues a Right Brian Experience
Speaker(s): Dave Tomlinson
An interview with Rowan Williams (hosted by Martin Wroe)
Christian Zionism: the New Heresy that Sways the US (and keeps Sharon in power)
Start the Revolution Without Me
Feeling Good About Doing Bad
A/Theism, Apocalypse and the Death of God
Old Ways of Being Church
Speaker(s): Andrew Rumsey
Worship Not Bound by Outcomes