Liquid Church, Liquid God
A fluid flexible and emerging church is not just another model or tactic for evangelism. Liquid Church must come from who God is and what God does. Liquid Church was born at Greenbelt but now there...
Action and Contemplation – Transforming Church and World
Integrating the two 'edges' - a deep inner life and an outer life of worldly service - is the great art form of Christian life. We tend to stay in the middle, attending services and belonging to...
The Death of Spin
Charting the rise and fall of the spin culture. George Pitcher was formerly industrial editor of The Observer, and voted National Newspaper Journalist of the Year in 1991. Since then, he has worked...
What’s that hanging out your arts?
Can you have faith and be an artist without trying to sell something? Mike addresses the relationship between our imagination and our convictions. (yes, he's had a few). Warning: may contain...
Kicking the darkness- writing as a mystic
In the beginning was darkness, chaos, the void,; nothing a good cup of coffee couldn't fix, then. Mike contemplates the dark art of creative writing, explaining why therapy might be more expensive...
Activism is the rent we pay for being on the planet
There's no doubting The Body Shop has helped put fair or community trade relationships on the mainstream agenda. And Anita is dedicated to campaigning for the human rights so often abused and ignored...
What is Masculine Spirituality
Why have most primal cultures 'initiated' their men and not their women? And why does the male soul respond differently to images, stories, grief, the Divine, intimacy, community and relationships...
Your Wisdom and Your Knowledge Led You Astray (the Humiliation of Babylon)
Babylon, with her superior knowledge and sophisticated technology has been ruthless towards all nations. She has decived herself into believing she is all-powerful. But Babylon will be...
They Sell The Righteous for Silver and the Nerdy for a Pair Sandals
God is scandalised at the callousness of the wealthy, the rulers and the religious leaders in the Kingdom of the North. They exploit the poor. If we do not stop the same behaviour, our actions will...
Helping without hurting
The Green Eyed Church
* why Christians should be concerned about environmental issues * how we can act to green our church's life and mission * stories from churches * information and resources David Pickering studied...
Theologian as Poet: Poet as Theologian
Brian explores, and reads from, some poems by C.S.Lewis and Wendell Berry. Brian McLaren has been active in networking church planters and pastors since the mid 1980s. His first book, The Church on...
Speaker(s): Brian McLarenThe Six Dimensional Jesus
The Evangelical Jesus is just one take, governed by one theology. But how have other Christian traditions seen Jesus? And might these other - Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anabaptist, Liberal,...
Speaker(s): Brian McLarenAn African Faith Perspective on Public Private Partnership
The challenge of the crisis in Africa demands that collaboration guides those emerging with it. In recent years, the PPP movement, (Public-Private Partnership) has developed as the most effective way...
What’s so Christian About Christian Aid?
Working to right wrongs in today's world order is more than just liberal activism. It goes to the heart of what being a Christian is. Daleep Mukarji is the Director of Christian Aid. He was an...