The Character of God
Trespass as the flipside to hospitality
Speaker(s): Ciaron O'Reilly
Reaching the Summit
The Need to Belong
The Glam-Rock Football Love Poems
Speaker(s): Paul Cookson
The example of Jesus
What difference can a faith have?
We are what we eat
Speaker(s): John Bell
The Essential Question: Am I Worth It?
This is my body: eating problems, self harm and the church
A psychiatrist and a survivor dispel some of the myths about eating disorders and self injur, and offer advice on how to help those dealing with these issues. Kirstie Reeve runs two websites on...
Anxious about many things
When anxiety is in the air it makes for tricky relationships and unhappy people. How does anxiety affectus? And how can 'Loving to bits" really transform a congregation? Ann Morisy is community...
Imagination: Bogus gift or spiritual virtue?
Speaker(s): John Bell
Stages of faith
What can we do about poverty?