Anxious about many things
When anxiety is in the air it makes for tricky relationships and unhappy people. How does anxiety affectus? And how can 'Loving to bits" really transform a congregation? Ann Morisy is community...
Imagination: Bogus gift or spiritual virtue?
Speaker(s): John Bell
Stages of faith
What can we do about poverty?
Promised Land vs Holy Land
Human rights, peace and justive, occupation...and how this all affects the issue of land and ownership. Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal is the Bishop of Jerusalem and makes a welcome return to Greenbelt...
For ever and ever, Amen
Plighting one's troth used to be a straightforward affair - lifelong responsibilties were part of growing up, for better or for worse. As personal and professional life become less permanent, and...
God Bless America? a US / UK dialogue
How America looks to the real Vicar of Dibley after four years of living in Washington, DC - especially after September 11. Get in on the household conversation between an Anglican priest and an...
Globalisation post September 11th
The author of Grace and Mortgage will speak about the events of September 11th 2001 have affected his view of the nature of globalisation and the prospects for humanising a world driven by money...
Undermining the punitive culture
Peter Selby is Bishop of Worcester. He has researched in the issues of debt and Christian faith. The Bishop to HM Prisons will introduce a discussion on alternatives to prison, the rising prison...
Spirituality as relationship
The buzz word, which follows on from the late C20 discoveries of personality and sexuality, has to do with a process not a destination. Here John Bell examines how to get it going. John Bell is a...
Speaker(s): John BellIsrael’s “invisible” occupation: the matrix of control
Power is enforced by means of the 'Matrix of Control' - the subtle ways, administrative and physical, by which Israel expands its control without the world noticing. How can the Matrix be...
Speaker(s): Jeff HalperA Global God is nonviolence possible in the Middle-East
The violence of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israeli have created an unending spiral of violence. You wouldn't know it from media reports, but...
Jesus – Soul Food
When the Jesus Movement came in the late 1960s Time magazine was announcing "God is Dead." Everything was so secular and materialistic. But a great soul thirst followed and a new generation went...
Mustard Seed vs McWorld… creating new ways to put first things first
Creativity time... In this seminar we will show you imaginative new ways you can both advance God's purposes and engage tomorrow's challenges... in your lives, congregations and God's world. Come...
Why aren’t there any women speakers?
is it just us, or does everyone struggle to find women contributors? Does it matter? What's stopping the wider participation of a more diverse range of people in church? How can we make sure there is...