New Monasticism: is it all hype or refriaring the church? (Panel)
In the last ten years new monasticism has bubbled up in different denominations all over the world. This panel of practitioners will explore what it is and what it can contribute in a post-church and...
Speaker(s): Ian Mobsby, Nadia Bolz-WeberSlouching Towards Bethlehem? (Panel)
Is a just peace as far away as ever for the people of Palestine? What are the facts on the ground? How can people of faith accelerate the arrival of freedom and friendship for Palestinians and...
Don’t Bank on It (Panel)
In the church of high finance, the high priests spout their own language and remain an authority beyond question. While our investments can go down as well as up, their bonuses hold steady. They are...
Speaker(s): Loretta MinghellaOut of the Darkness: Ending the cycle of violence
When 16-year-old Jimmy Mizen was murdered in May 2008, the life of his family was changed forever. Yet for his parents that life was not to become one of bitterness, anger and resentment but one of...
From Shame to Pride: My walk of repentance for homophobia
This summer, Symon Hill walked from Birmingham to London as a pilgrimage of repentance for his former homophobia. In rain, heat, hostility and hospitality, he encouraged Christians to accept same-sex...
Speaker(s): Symon HillFrom obedience to refusal
From being a cog in a big system, to involvement in activism to expose that system, Yonatan's is the story of many Israeli soldiers who refused their military orders and join the Palestinians in...
The struggle against the occupation
In conversation with festival trustee, Abi Hewitt, Yonatan reveals more of his moral journey to his campaigning today for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as a necessary nonviolent tool to end...
Another Brick in the Wall: The reality of everyday life for Palestinians
Suad Younan talks about her staff and the children and families they serve, and how they face huge personal and professional challenges on a daily basis as they juggle disability, politics, violence...
Confessions of a Lapsed Catholic
Sheila Cassidy speaks about a spiritual journey that has led her beyond the confines of institutional religion to walk with the God she finds manifested in all things: in people, in creatures, and in...
37 tips to help you make your dreams of home come true
How to go about designing an eco-house, what to consider and what may be red herrings. An experienced builder talks about finding land and what to be wary of. He'll explore the practicality of...
Trying to Name the Elephant in the Room: The theological challenge of race and difference in postcolonial British Christianity
We cannot talk about Christianity in Britain without engaging with the broader framework of empire, colonialism and racism. This talk addresses the often submerged and unspoken reality of...
The Exuberant Church: Listening to the prophetic people of God
All sorts of people fall out of, or fall out with the church. Their journey is often transformative and life-changing but totally overlooked by mission theologies. Using the motif of “coming...
A Multi-cultural Society: A bankrupt vision?
What role does the church have in a multicultural society? What will change with the rise of Generation Y? What national vision has there been and should there be? A session that will explore some...
Borrowing From the Future
How are the rights of tomorrow to be valued alongside the rights of today? This big question gets focused most intensely in relation to fairness between generations as Baby Boomers are posed to take...
Resentment in a world of cliches
Resentment is always a dangerous emotion, especially if we let clichés do our thinking for us. In our troubled times it is essential to counter its spread between neighbours, religions, gangs and...