Making beautiful
Beyond the behaviour of others we are peacemakers and love makers. A workshop not for spectators but participants looking to grow our spiritual emotional social together. Seeking Shalom, making...
Introduction to community organising
Community organising builds the power of civil society in order to create long-term systemic change. It's what Barack Obama did before he become president but is an often misunderstood and...
The God Illusion: Christ and the Temple Curtain
In the beginning there was a sacred object that promised us satisfaction and wholeness; a sacred object that continues to make its presence felt in various religious and secular forms. In this talk...
Divine Decay: Living the ‘Death of God’
In contrast to the actual existing Church, which generally posits God as a guarantee of meaning, Peter will explore the idea of God as that which breaks meaning apart and the Christ collective as the...
Who is Pope Francis – and what will he mean for the Church and the world?
The election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as pope broke a number of precedents: the first pope from the New World, the first from the southern hemisphere, the first Jesuit and more. He has...
Speaker(s): Paul VallelyHope and Solidarity in the midst of inequalities and unjust structures from Brazilian perspective.
Brazil is still a very unequal country, but churches and faith groups are working hard to share and develop hope for the present and future. Paulo Ueti discusses these realities and tries to figure...
Reading the Bible and doing theology to deal with violence and Intolerance.
For centuries theology and Bible reading have been at the service of exclusion, slavery, violence and intolerance. But they are also responsible for liberation, popular organisation, challenging...
The Politics of the Common Good
It is assumed that the radical pluralism and diversity of our society mitigates against a politics of the common good. Maurice Glasman argues that in contrast there is a great need for a change in...
A theology of poverty or just a poverty of theology?
Welfare reform will leave hundreds of thousands more children in poverty. And yet it has been described in the language of morality, as being about fairness and making work pay. For this reason it...
Why I Write: A Theology of the Guitar as a cheap therapist
Martyn will speak about a lifelong journey of expression, through writing songs, expounding the possibilities, maybes and dreams contained within. Thoughts on how and where inspiration is to be...
Speaker(s): Martyn JosephAn Issue! An Issue! We all fall down: Same-Sex Marriage and the People of God.
The same-sex marriage bill has caused quite a stir and has received a lot of opposition from Christian leaders. Is there a Christian case for same-sex marriage and should the Church be promoting it...
Speaker(s): Mark Oakley8 principles for winning the future
The future is up for grabs. The digital revolution was really just the trailer. Humanity is about to participate in a change as fundamental as the Industrial Revolution. It will change everything for...
Can white middle class people be radical?
Radical theology situates itself outside of the church and alongside those who are excluded from and rejected by society. So what does it mean for Christians to engage with radical theology? And how...
Speaker(s): Marika RoseWhen Politics Fail: The grassroots movement that will bring peace to Israel and Palestine
The peace process to resolve the Israel/Palestine situation is not working. Might a global, grassroots movement accomplish what the political process has not? A look to the Gospels to provide the...
Beyond Interfaith Dialogue: How can Christians talk to Jews about Israel?
As the Israel/Palestine situation grows more urgent, Christians are finding it increasingly difficult to talk to Jewish friends, family members and colleagues about it. How do Christians understand...